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May 30 and June 4, 2007 <br />Independent Tribune <br />and <br />May 31 and June 7, 2007 <br />The Charlotte Observer "Cabarrus Neighbors" <br />C b \,',`,.'~~,,~,~(~,~,',,,1 <br />m~fmn i" ~~~ <br />V <br />f,atiartus County, Bobrd of <br />CoinmissionM Meedng <br />~ Commissfonen Meetlnp'~-NUOm, 3ntl Flbor <br />~'65thurch SL Sf, Cdncord, NC260i6 <br />. -"MQIWay.JUne,181h,200Tm6:30PM <br />FYBLIC HFARING ~ - - <br />i C200T 04 2T Vroposed text ~-~8mendment to. <br />- ~Eh6pter,l3; ~Section 13~12; Zone Chan9e. Filing - <br />. ~~~Procedures.;ie#chaoge:isto-~inrorporateatl- <br />~'drtonal'noticiny stantlarqs:forrezoning:peti- <br />.tiore that mclutle SO~or more parEels. <br />C200] 054T~Propos@tl' text amentlment to Ap~ ~ <br />;pentlix A, -Typitdf i5teeet Stantlartls. :TenC~ <br />;c0ang~,is tor.streeCtypica{s to-be ainend'etl far- <br />'consistency with'NCDOT'antl'Qry~of Copcortl <br />• ''street designstandards.. '~ ~ <br />If you haue any.puesti6ns regarding these-peti- <br />. tions please'bontacf ihe Cabaems~Cavnty Com- <br />`'merce DepSrtmenF at 709:9~0~7t41; ~ <br />~ PUBLISN: - WeAneaday;Afpy ~301h~~and MonJay <br />. -im.ea zroa. . .. ,. .. <br />~ e9a~ Atl J <br />~ <br />~'~~°°~~ <br />~~~ :~ <br />~Cab~ oun~ly~IBOartl <br />o1C oners.meeiinq <br />Com 4s~one~s.~ <br />Meet ng Hbom, 2nU Floor <br />65 C~urcli Sf SE, . <br />C co~0, NC 18026 <br />Mb tlay,-JUna 18~M1,1009 <br />@ 6:30 PM <br />~ PUBUC HEPHING " <br />C200]~O<~2T-Gmposetl ~e+t <br />amentlment lo C~ap~er 13, <br />uons Inal indutle 5o o~ more <br />pamels. <br />G200v45-ZTPmpasetl tex~ <br />enomem m nppe~mx n, <br />lypicai s~ree~ s~anaaras. ~ re.i <br />c~anye is lar slreel lypTals lo be- <br />amen0 a lor onsistency wiln <br />NCDOT' dnU Cily~ o( GOnCarO <br />sveeceesgns~aneams.~ <br /> na.e any ques~ions <br />reqeming mese pe~i~ionspmase <br />n~acl I~e CabartOS Coun~y <br />Commewe Departmene at "/On-- <br />920.2141. <br />NTSWai]3 <br />~ ~'l <br />!~ ` ~ <br />