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THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE <br />June 7 and June 14, 2007 <br />and <br />THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER <br />(Cabarrus Neighbors) <br />June 10 and June 14, 2007 <br />• , <br />~. q_ i <br />i. " <br />~ ~ CABpqNy5 COUNTY <br />'# BOAROOF' ~ <br />~- ~ . WfdMI551UNER5 <br />~: ~ _ <br />NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br />JUbB.18,2U07-6:30p.m.~ . <br />~ IndustrlaiDevelopmenttncentlveGrant~ <br />-N~ice Is hereby given that the Cabarms Coun- <br />g~~~ Cap~r~isslapers„wlll hO~d a-ny61~c . <br />plarln~~a -6:30 b M. (ur aS'sabn Yhereatter as • <br />~nons may-bp heArtl) oR.MOntlay lune.l&. ,- <br />7, In Ne Gummissioneri' ~ MEetIR~ R6o'm lo- - <br />te~1 on-tfie secontl floor.of the Cp6asms. <br />~riry GdvernmenWl Center, b5 - Ctiur~ ~ ' ~' <br />SE, Cur,tl ¢o co~ps~l~aer an IricenEive ~ <br />nt for ~'\YO~f RE4otts;' Inc. p4r3iUnt m~ <br />C GEnerhl Statute 158d1. T}ie company <br />p'iopous~' to loeate ~ a new taclliry on <br />Weddingtan~~Rqad~EZtension ConcoM. North <br />Chmllna.WNh a total pro eit ~nvestmeot of ap- <br />pro~xlmaMly f100,000,~ and Is re4uestinB.a ; <br />g"year grant eQUivaleM to 85 percent of the aB' <br />vgpiorcm tax,es on the investment . .... <br />Tt"la~ p'fo~ gosetl ~dmft ayreement Is avallabla~fo~ <br />-Inspecc~on In the O(FlCe of the Clerk to the <br />qoartl atthe Gavernmental Center. <br />Ky4 Haneycut4ClerktotNeeoartl <br />If'retsa~e'~atcommotlatluns are neeUetl, ~ <br />~eue-coMact the dark at IOp-8202109-0t <br />sst JB haurs P~4~ta fhe Pu611t hetrlnQ. . <br />JM 7.1~ iM7 . <br />G -3 <br />