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.,:,. <br />•~`• A project site plan, brief written descriprion of the project, its scope, number and type of <br />employment positions, phasing and timing of the development and any other information that <br />would be viewed as important in describing the project. <br />. A survey and legal description of the property along with proof of ownership, option to buy <br />or other yerifiable interest in the,real property associated with the project. <br />. A copy of the.current County_ incentive grant guidelines. <br />• A copy of the participating municipality's incentive grant guidelines (if applicable). <br />• The county tax card of reoord for the property as o-f January lst of the yeaz that the projeci <br />is being considered. (Used to establish the bas~ value of investment.) <br />• A copy of the most current State of North Carolina Industrial Incentive Program guidelines <br />(if applicable}. <br />• Other pertinent information that might apply to a specific project. <br />These guidelines remain in eff'ect until otherwise modified by the Cabarrus County Boazd of County <br />Commissioners. <br />Vl. DATE O~' LEGISLATIVE ACTION <br />• CABARRUS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Adoption: (January 1, 2004) <br />• APPROPRIATE MUNICIPAL CITY OR TOWN COUNCII., <br />Adoption: <br />A.dopted by the Cabanvs County Boazd of Commissioners on December 15, 2003. . <br />(Effective January 1, 2004) <br />Boazd of Commissioners <br />