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^---.~K. ~ <br />, ~ <br />~~ <br />.,.~.~--°~ <br />Centralina <br />Cauncil of Gavernments <br />May 3, 2007 <br />Mrs. Kelly S(fford, Community Development Manager <br />Cabarrus County Planning:Services <br />P.O. Box 709 <br />Conc6rd,NC 2802G <br />DearMrs. 8ifford <br />Thank you for your conftdence in CentraUna Council of Governments'(CCOG) to assist Cabarrus <br />Couttty in the adminiah'ation of their P`Y2007-08 HOME Program. As discussed, our services <br />will focus on the primary activity of the HOME program, which is housing rehabilitation. The <br />County will be taking theprimary lead in the HOME program. <br />As you suggested we have revised our proposal to reflect the uttached Scope of Seivices. <br />Centralina staff primarily assigned to this project will be Sarn Leggett and myself. Project cost <br />will be $18,294 plus thirty (30) member hours from the County's FY 2007-08 alloeation. <br />Centralina will only bill the County for staff hours setually bsed, with invoices sent ofi a tii- <br />monthly basis: The proposed amount should be fully reimbursable &•om the HOME grant once <br />the Counry has signed a grant agreement with the Gity of Concord. <br />We will begin ~vriting the application once we have' received a signed eontract agreement. <br />Enclosed is-a Service Agreement for execution. If you fi~vs questions eoncerning this ptop4sal, <br />please contact me at (704) 264-6626 or amsil me at ~swilltamsonCa~cenhalirta:org. <br />Thankyou for this opportunity to assistance Cabwrus County. <br />Sincerel , <br />/~ ~ <br />~ <br />helley C. Williamson, AICP <br />Planner III <br />Enclosures <br />CC: A.R. Sharp, Executive Director <br />Tonya Frye, Finance Direcfor <br />Barbie Biggerstaff, COG Staff <br />~' ~ ~ <br />