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6.4 Recycling Collection Service <br />The Board may at any time prior to January 1, 2008, require Allied, upon sixty days written <br />notice, to provide curbside recycling services to all residential customers receiving residential <br />refuse collection. The recycling collection service shall be once-per-week. Allied shall supply <br />each customer an eighteen (18) gallon bin. Rates for this service shall be governed by Section 8 <br />of this Agreement. <br />If the Board should request Allied to provide curbside recycling services beginning after January <br />t, 2008, the rates in Section 8 do not apply and new rates shall be subject [o agreement between <br />the County and Allied. <br />Materials to be collected and recycled include: newsprint, glass containers, aluminum cans, other <br />metals, and HDPE and PET plastic containers. The recycled materials will become the property <br />of Allied who shall be responsible for marketing the materials and incurring all costs associated <br />with the work and who will be entitled to any and all revenues derived from the sale of such <br />materials. Allied shall submit to [he County on a monthly basis a summary of the quantity of <br />each material recycled. <br />Recycling collection services shall be subject to the same hours of operation and restrictions as <br />residential curbside collection and disposal services. <br />This program, including materials recycled, may be modified from time to time by written <br />agreement between the County and Allied. Any proposed changes to the program may be <br />initiated by either party to the Agreement. <br />6.5 Yard Waste <br />The Board may at any time require Allied to provide curbside yard waste collection services to <br />all residential customers receiving residential refuse collection service. <br />6.6 Citizen Drop-Off Facility <br />Allied/BFI shall receive residential municipal solid wastes delivered in plastic bags by individual <br />citizens at its CMS Landfill site. Vehicles to be handled are personal passenger vehicles and <br />trucks. Allied/BFI may require proper identification to assure the vehicles are delivering solid <br />waste generated within Cabartvs County or that portion of Kannapolis within Rowan County. <br />The operation of the facility shall be in accordance with Allied/BFI's standard practice. <br />AlliedBFl may establish such reasonable rules and regulations for the facility's operation and <br />maintenance. Allied/BF[ is responsible for all permitting and construction and operating costs. <br />The Citizen Drop-Off Facility shall be open six days per week, Monday through Saturday <br />inclusive, and closed on Sunday. It shall be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through <br />Friday, and, at a minimum, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. <br />~ oNetea: soiidwasrecoueorionandDisp <br />osalFrencltiseAgreemenr-June 2] 200] <br /> additlons.doc <br />BFI is solely responsible for the proper disposal of all solid wastes accepted at the facility. p~e(~; SolidWasn ColleceonandDisp <br /> osalFmnchiseAgreement-June l3 200] <br /> additlons <br /> ~ ,~ <br />i' <br />c;~unnn-~i o4c~ _ _ _ _ 7 <br />--------_-.-___..------------------------- .. .. ......_ .. .. ..... <br />J <br />G-~ <br />