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services to the City of Kannapolis and the Towns of Mount Pleasant and Han•isburg at <br />the Disposal Facility shall be: <br />$34.49 perton. This rate will be fixed through 2009, then increased <br />beginning January 1, 2010 in accordance with Section 8.2 below. <br />E. Citizen Drop-Off Facility <br />The rate of payment to BFI for provision of service at the Citizen Drop-Off <br />Facility shall be charged at a one (l) ton minimum. <br />If for any reason, residential municipal solid waste cannot be accepted at the CMS Landfill, then <br />BFI will dispose of the solid waste governed by this Franchise and be entitled to the then existing <br />Disposal Fee plus any additional transportation cost incurred by BFI in the transfer of such waste <br />to an alternative, properly permitted disposal site; provided that, if a less expensive means of <br />transfer and/or disposal is available to the County by a provider other than BFI, the County may <br />cause its residential municipal solid waste to be disposed of by that provider without penalty or <br />reprisal. <br />If residential municipal solid waste cannot be accepted at the CMS Landfill, BFI will provide <br />written, advance notice to the County as early as possible. <br />Special Services <br />In the event Allied/BFI is requested to provide Special services, it may do so but <br />is not required to do so. Such services will be provided upon such rates and other terms as <br />may be agreed upon between AlliedBFl and the Customer requesting the Special <br />Service. <br />8.2 Rate Adjustments <br />A. CP[ <br />The Rates, set forth in Sections 8.l A, B and C above, as adjusted, shall be <br />increased upon the commencement of the second (2nd) year of this Agreement and upon <br />the commencement of each subsequent year thereafter by a percentage equal to the <br />percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index, United States Average for all items <br />Portion, New Series, for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, as published by the <br />United States Department of Labor (CPI). <br />The Rates, set forth in Sections 8.1 D and E above, as adjusted, shall be increased <br />upon the commencementrofche third (3rd) year of this Agreement and upon the <br />commencement of each subsequent year thereafter by a percentage equal to the <br />percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index, United States Average for all items <br />Portion, New Series, for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, as published by the DNatad: SolidWssteCollectionendDisp <br />' oselFranchiseAgrcement-June 272007 <br />United States Department of Labor. aaaiae~s.aee <br />~ Deleted: SolidWesteCollecrionsndDisp <br />B. Fuel Recovery Fee ~ ' aselFrenchiseAgreement-June 13 2007 <br />~ ,~ additlons <br />i~ <br />,~ <br />i' <br />CA~Onj3-I DOCt _ .. 12 _ J <br />.. .. _ _ p <br />G -(~ <br />