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e. Notice of Cancellation -The policy must be endorsed to <br />provide the owner with thirty (30) days' notice of cancellation. <br />4. Certificates of Insurance -Certificates of Insurance in triplicate <br />evidencing the insurance coverage specified in the previous paragraphs (1) to (3) inclusive shall <br />be filed with the owner before operations are begun. The required certificates of insurance not <br />only shall name the types of policies provided, but also shall refer specifically to this contract <br />and section and the above paaagraphs in accordance with which insurance is being famished, and <br />shall state that such insurance is as required by such paragraphs of this contract. <br />If the initial insurance expires prior to the completion of the work, renewal certificates of <br />insurance shall be furnished thirty (30) days prior to the date of [heir expiration. <br />The following cancellation clause must appear on the Certificate of Insurance. The present <br />Cancellation Clause appearing on the Certificate must be X'd out and initialed by the Agent of <br />the Insurer. <br />Cancellation -Should any of the above described policies be canceled before the <br />stated expiration date thereof, insurer will not cancel same until at least 30 days' <br />prior written,notice has been given to the below named certifica_ to holder. This_ _ _ _ _ _ . - odecea: aoaeo nas <br />prior notice provision is a part of [he above-described policies. Job Location: <br />9.6 Decision of Questions <br />To help resolve all disputes, it is understood that all questions arising as to the proper <br />performance and the amount to be paid for under this Agreement shall be decided by the County, <br />subject to the right of the Collector to appeal to the Board of County Commissioners whose <br />decision shall be final provided, however, if a question of law is involved, either party is entitled <br />to have the dispute heard in a court of law. <br />9.7 Force Majeure <br />Notwithstanding any provision other than as set forth in this Section, Force Majeure, the <br />performance of this Agreement may be suspended and the obligations thereunder excused in the <br />event that such performance is prevented by an event beyond the control of Allied/BFI (Force <br />Majeure) and Allied/BFI acts in the following manner: <br />1. Allied/BFI shall affirmatively prove to the County the occurrence of a Force <br />Majeure event and the time delay thereby to the performance of the provisions of this <br />Agreement. <br />2. Should the County find [hat a Force Majeure event has occurred, it shall extend <br />the time for performance accordingly. Provided that in the event the County, exercising its <br />reasonable discretion, finds that the Force Majeure event will prevent or alter performance or for <br />~ ~~~' SolidwasteColltttionandDisp <br />osaffancltiseAg~eememJune 27 2007 <br />such a period of time as [o make performance unreasonable, the County may declare the aaairie~a.aoe <br />Agreement terminated. omerea: soeawa4tecontteo~anaDisp <br /> ~ osaffrancltiseAgreementdune I3 2007 <br /> additions <br /> i' <br />, <br />C1CDgD,-1 DQ(~ _ 17 i <br />' <br />G-(~ <br />