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7417 <br />0283 it~x7417 P4!~ 283 <br />ARTICLE II <br />COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND EASEMENTS <br />UPON DEVELOPMENTS LANDS <br />2.1 Grant of Easements upon Development Lands. Development has bazgained, sold, <br />and conveyed and, by these presents, does grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the Trustee <br />perpetual rights and easements over, upon, and through the Development Lands, as follows: <br />(a) An easement for light spillage, glare, and encroachment upon the <br />Development Lands from the lighting of athletic fields, outside courts, parking lots, and other <br />facilities upon the Trust Lands as a result of or in connection with the use of the Trust Lands for <br />Public Park Uses ("Light Encroachment'. The Light Encroachment shall include light <br />emanating from standard athletic field lighting that complies with Illuminating Engineering <br />Society of North America standards. <br />(b) An easement for noise upon the Development Lands originating from the <br />Trust Lands as a result of or in connection with the use of the Trust Lands for Public Park Uses, <br />whether such noise results from public address systems, spectators, or participants ("Noise <br />Encroachment"). <br />2.2 No Interference. Development covenants and agrees for itself and for all future <br />owners of the Development Lands or any part of the Development Lands that the Trust Lands <br />may be developed and used for Public Park Uses without interference from Development or <br />other such owners, their respective tenants, guests, licensees, permitees, hens, successors and <br />assigns. <br />2.3 Release of Claims. Neither Development nor any other owner of the <br />Development Lands or any part of the Development lands, now or in the future, shall have any <br />cause, claim, or right of action against any person whatsoever arising out of or resulting from the <br />use of the Trust Lands for Public Park Uses, the Light Encroachment, or the Noise <br />Encroachment. <br />2.4 Setback Restriction upon Development Lands. Development, hereby declazes <br />that the Development Lands shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, and occupied subject to <br />the restriction that no dwelling or other structure occupied as a dwelling maybe erected, built, or <br />located upon the Development Lands within seventy-five (75} feet of the Trust Lands and no <br />buildings of any kind maybe erected, built, or located within twenty-five (25) feet of the Trust <br />Lands. This restriction shall run with and bind the Development Lands until twenty (20) years <br />aRer the last to die of Cabatrus County Commissioners, Robert W. Camrth, Joni D. Juba, Grace <br />Mynatt, H. Jay White Sr., and Coy C. Privette and their respective spouses and descendants who <br />are living on the date of this instrument. <br />2.5 Binding Effect and Runs with the Land. Development hereby declares that the <br />Development Lands shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, and occupied subject to the <br />covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements set forth in this Article I1, which shall run with <br />G -q <br />