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~4~7 t3amt7417 PACE 288 <br />0288 <br />E7~,~~IT B <br />Parcel One: Lying and being in the City of Concord, No. 11 Township, Cabarrus County, <br />North Carolina, on the southwest side of Central Heights Drive and being described as fol- <br />lows: <br />Being the same lands conveyed in the deed dated August 18, 1995 from Mary Lore Flowe <br />Brown and husband to First Union National Bank of North Carolina, Tmstee under the will of <br />W. W. Flowe, recorded on August 22, 1995 in Deed Book 1472, page 55 to which deed refer- <br />ence ishereby made for amore complete description, containing 53.276 acres. <br />LESS AND EXCEPTING. from the above-described property the following: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the center of Central Heights Drive, comer of Grantor, said point <br />being S. 12-33-36 W. 33.34 feet from a flat iron on the north side of said road, being the <br />scutheast comer of Grantor's said lands, and runs thence from said Beginning point, S. 13-30- <br />52 W. (passing corners of John D. Sossoraan, now or formerly, Book 3175, page 322, at <br />33.48 feet) 922.67 feet to a 1-1/2 inch pipe, comer of Eric T. Jones (now or formerly, Book <br />396, page 521) and Thomas and Donna Bowden (now or formerly, Book 5116, page 196), <br />also being a corner of Kiser Woods (Map Book 40, page 53); thence with the line of Kiser <br />Woods, S. 77-03-00 W. (crossing the 100 foot AT&T right of way) 1017.31 feet to a'/. inch <br />iron pipe, a corner of 7ohn''A. Linker (Book 6974, page 197) and Parker & Orleans (Hook <br />6318, page 190); thence with the line of said Linker, N. 10-23-23 E. 502.94 feet, a comer of <br />Linker and Willie R. Lee; thence with a new line, N. 35-48-26 E. (passing a set iron pin on <br />the south side of Central Heights Drive at 1 ] 62.61 feet) 1192.61 feet to a point in the center <br />of said right of way; thence whit the center of said right of way, two (2) lines, as follows: (1) <br />S. 50-37-13 E. 92.62 feet, and (2) S. 51-13-43 E. 444.65 feet, to the BEGINNING, containing <br />22.670 acres, and being the First Parcel as shown on a Boundary Survey for Rea] Value De- <br />velopment, Inc. by Concord Engineering & Surveying, Inc. dated March 20, 2007. <br />Tha net acreage in this Parcel One is 30.601 acres, as shown upon the survey dated March 20, <br />2007. <br />Parcel Two: Lying and Being in Number Eleven Township, Cabamrs County, North Caro- <br />lina, on the south side, butnot adjoining, Central Heights Drive, bounded on the West by <br />Cabamrs County and Southam Railroad right-of--way and others, and bounded on the North <br />and East by the W.W. Flowe Trust, and bounded an the South by Willie R. Lee and John A. <br />Linker, and being more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a number four rebag said iron being a common comer of Tract One of John A. <br />Linker (deed book 6974, page 197) in the W.W. Flown Trust and said beginning point being <br />located North 10-23-23 Eelst 502.94 feet from an imn a tear common comer of John A. <br />Linker (Tract 3) and Parker & Orleans Homebuilders Tnc., and rune thence from said begin- <br />ningpoint anew line with`Linker and Willie R. Lee South 88-45-34 West 1,608.16 feet to a <br />point within the Southern Railroad r9ght-of--way, said point being a corner of Phillip E. Smith <br />at the terminus of Manassas Drive; thence a line with the terminus of Manassas Drive and <br />--- G .q <br />