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with less than twenty-five (25) years of service with Cabarrus County are eligible for <br />health and life insurance coverage for 50% of the actual premium. <br />(This amendment applies to those employees coming to work on or after November 1, <br />2003. Current employees hired prior to November 1, 2003 are grandfathered under the <br />ten year requirement as stated above). <br />2007 <br />The mission of the GASB is to establish and improve standards of state and local <br />governmental accounting and financial reporting that will result in useful information for <br />users of financial reports and guide and educate the public, including issuers, auditors, <br />and users of those financial reports .GASB Statement No. 43 provides guidance for the <br />accounting and financial reporting of trust funds that would be reported by governments <br />that pre-fund their OP);B plans. The County will implement this statement in the <br />financial statements once a trust fund is established for the County's OPEB plan. GASB <br />Statement No. 45 provides guidance for the employer's disclosures for governments that <br />provide any type of OPEB to its employees and retirees, regardless of whether the plan is <br />pre-funded or handled~on a "pay as you go" basis (as is currently done). <br />An actuarial study was completed and updated in Apri12007 which is included for your <br />review. The results of the study state the County has a $17,505,771 actuarial liability (i.e., <br />the value of the current OPEB "promise" to current employees and active retirees) as of <br />December 31, 2005. O,f the $17,505,771; $5,185,596 is related to current retirees and <br />$12,320,175 is related,to active members (current workforce). The study encourages an <br />annual contribution towards this liability in the amount of $1,850,169; however, the <br />actual contribution may be less. In other words, there is no legal requirement to pre-fund <br />the plan. Currently thee.. County participates in the "pay as you go" method through an <br />annual appropriation. );n Fiscal Year 2008, for example, the portion of health insurance is <br />estimated at $634,176 `for approximately 100 retirees. <br />The County plans to it}~plement GASB 45 in the Financial Statements for the year ending <br />June 30, 2008. In brie', implementing this statement will require disclosing the actuarial <br />liability information it the Notes to the Financial Statement, as well as the liability on the <br />face of the government-wide financial statements that reflects any portion of the actuarial <br />liability that the County chooses not to pre-fund. <br />Future <br />Pre-funding the liability requires the establishment of a trust fund to hold custody of the <br />retiree health insurance benefit funds. Alternatively House Bill (HB) 515/ Senate Bill <br />(SB) 580 -State Treasurer/Local OPEB Investments (attached for your review) will <br />allow local governments to take advantage of the Treasurer's more flexible investment <br />power to get a higher rate of return. The bills establish the Local Government Other <br />Post-Employment Beq'efits Fund as a trust fund in the Office of the State Treasurer for <br />investments on behalf bf participating local governments. <br />T ` <br />