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management facilities, Disposal Sites, and Disposal Facilities, including sanitary <br />landfills, transfer stations, Citizen Drop-Off Facilities, and resource recovery <br />facilities, but excluding citizen drop-off facilities owned by the County and facilities <br />dedicated to the disposal of construction and demolition debris, and excluding <br />facilities for recycling so long as no more than twenty percent (20%) of the materials <br />accepted at such facilities are waste or residue which cannot be recycled; <br />C. The long term contract; and the exclusive right and franchise, to serve as the <br />exclusive municipal solid waste management facility for the County, to the fullest <br />extent allowed by law, and the exclusive right and franchise to be designated as the <br />exclusive municipal solid waste management facility for the disposal of all municipal <br />solid waste generated from within the County, entitled to receive for disposal all such <br />municipal solid waste to the extent the County can control its disposal, whether by <br />ordinance, contract, or otherwise. <br />D. The long term contract; and the exclusive right and franchise, to serve as the <br />exclusive municipal solid waste management facility for the City and each of the <br />Towns, to the fullest extent allowed by law, and the exclusive right and franchise to <br />be designated as the exclusive municipal solid waste management facility for the <br />disposal of all municipal solid waste generated from within the City and each Town, <br />entitled to receive for disposal all such residential municipal solid waste to the extent <br />the County can control its disposal whether by ordinance, contract, or otherwise. <br />The County enters into this Agreement on its own behalf and on behalf of the City and <br />each Town, pursuant to its'aauthority under the above described statutes, laws, and <br />ordinances, and pursuant tb its interlocal agreement with the City, and its interlocal <br />agreement with each Towq. <br />The grant of these rights is subject to the condition that AlliedBFl comply with all requirements <br />of the Agreement. <br />2.2 Allied/BFI shall provide, directly or through subcontractors, all labor, materials, <br />equipment, skills, tools, machinery, supervision, facilities, and other services to provide the <br />Collection Services required herein. AlliedBF[ shall pay, at its expense, all costs, expenses, <br />license fees, and charges required to perform the Collection Services including any disposal <br />charges at the Disposal Site. <br />Allied/BFI shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal rules and regulations. <br />2.3 The relationship between the parties shall be limited to performance of this Agreement <br />solely in accordance with its term9. No party shall have any responsibility whatsoever with <br />respect to services provided or contractual obligations assumed by the other party and nothing in <br />this Agreement shall be deemed t¢ constitute either party a partner, agent, or legal representative <br />of the other party or to create any fiduciary relationship. AlliedBFI's status shall be that of an Daaated: Solid WesteCollecdonandDiap <br />independent contractor. ' oseffrenchiaeAyreement-lune272007 <br /> ~ edditi°na.doc <br />SECTION 3 - INDEMNIFICATION i <br />~ nalatad: S°IidWaateC°IlecfionendDiep <br /> ~ <br />~ osalFranchiseAgreemrnt-June 17 2007 <br />'. i r eddifions <br /> i' <br /> r <br />cnc~on_-~.opS~ __ _. _.. _ . .......... ... ........----------___ J <br />"1.0 <br />