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the term of any appointment, a resident of Cabarrus County. Exceptions to said <br />policy will be at the agreement of a majority of County Commission members at the <br />time of appointment or when information relative to an appointee's change in County <br />residence is brought to the attention of the County Commissioners.4 <br />(ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT) <br />4. Any member who fails to attend at least 75% of the regular meetings, except for <br />excused illness, or other extraordinary circumstances, ofthe commission, committee, <br />board or council during any one-year period shall be automatically removed from <br />said commission, committee, board, or council. Vacancies resulting from a member's <br />failure to attend the required number of meetings shall be filled as provided herein. <br />The Chairman of the commission, committee, board or council will notify the proper <br />appointing authority if a member is absent 25% of the meetings, and an appointment <br />will be made by the appointing authority to fill that vacancy. <br />(AD HOC COMMITTEES) <br />Eligibility requirements as outlined above will not be applicable to ad hoc <br />committees. <br />B. TREND TOWARD QUARTERLY APPOINTMENTS <br />Efforts should be made when creating new boards and commissions and with present <br />boards and commissions to consolidate expiration of terms for members to expire at <br />one time during each quarter of each year. If this can be done, it would result in less <br />workload impact on both staff and County Commission. <br />2. Any appointee whose term has expired may continue to serve until such time a new <br />appointment is made by the County Commissioners.3 <br />C. COUNTY EMPLOYEES SERVING ON BOARDS. ETC. <br />It is understood that County employees will not be appointed to boards, commissions, <br />etc. which receive County funding assistance. <br />D. RATE OF PAY <br />The rate of pay, if any, to members for service on boazds, commissions or committees <br />shall be established by the Board of Commissioners. Records for pay purposes shall <br />be certified by the Chairmen of the respective boards, commission or committees and <br />submitted by the appropriate department head to the Finance Officer for monthly <br />disbursement. <br />S ate' <br />