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~~~~~ <br />~~ `~~ <br />CABARRUSCOUNTY <br />SIIERLFF'S OFFICE AND <br />DETENTION CENTER <br />PROPOSAL. REQUEST FORM <br />(a) Materiels (Provide itemized breakdown) <br />(b) RentotEguigmont(listaeparately) <br />at rates not In excasa of those <br />prevailing in locality of the project. <br />Sub-Tota1(1) (a + b] <br />(c) Overhead & Profit (10%x Sub-total (1) <br />foradditive changes, -5%for <br />deductivecheages <br />Sub•Total (2) (Subtotal 1 + c] <br />(d) LaFwr (Provide itemized broakdown) <br />(e) Overhead & Profit (134'ox Labor item (d) <br />for additive changes, -5%for <br />dedualva chatiges) <br />Sub-Total (3) (d + e] <br />(t) SubContreetWork(ifeppucable, <br />acme broakdawn as shown aboTe) <br />(g) Conhactor's Overhead and Prof~t <br />on Sub-Corr (S%for additive changes, <br />0%lordaducttvechanges) <br />Sub•Total (4) (f+g) <br />(h) lnsuranca (Workmen's Compensation, <br />Sooial Secur[ty or as tultarwlsa <br />required and/or spaclRed) <br />Sub•Total (S) [based on d) <br />(i) Unil Price Work (Per Connect) <br />S 9,935.00 <br />$ 7,346.00 <br />S 1,728.10 <br />$ IG,S22.00 <br />$ 2,478.30 <br />$ 39,581.29 <br />S 1,979.06 <br />$ CCIP <br />Total <br />ExtensionoftimeRoquested: calenderdeys.• <br />"Attach detailed justification, <br />Estimated Payroll: <br />ENn or• sECTtoN <br />Pago01230-4 <br />lob. No 020201 <br />~~ I <br />$ ] 7,281.00 <br />$ 19,009.10 <br />$ 19,000.30 <br />$ 41,SG0.35 <br />$ 0.00 <br />$ 79,569.75 <br />