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AG 2006 04 17
Public Meetings
AG 2006 04 17
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Last modified
4/19/2006 10:20:33 AM
Creation date
11/27/2017 11:32:54 AM
Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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<br />.,' , , <br /> <br />with the value of personal property investments being considered for a period of three (3) <br />consecutive years in determining value for grant calculation purposes. The beginning date <br />for grant calculations is to be the date of useful occupancy and/or production startup. <br />Corporate headquarters is defined as the location of the center ofthe company's operations <br />including the main offices for its management and administrative officers. <br /> <br />· Levell grant - a grant award based upon a project's estimated tax revenue generation value, <br />calculated to equate to approximately 65% of the value of real and personal property tax <br />revenue value anticipated to be generated by the project. The value for real property <br />investments shall be calculated based on a period offour (4) consecutive years with the value <br />of personal property investments being considered for a period of three (3) consecutive years <br />in determining value for grant calculation purposes. The beginning date for grant <br />calculations is to be the date of useful occupancy and/or production startup. <br /> <br />· Level 2 grant - a gI1ant award based upon a project's estimated tax revenue generation <br />value, to be calculated to equate to approximately 70% of the value of real and personal <br />property tax revenue value anticipated to be generated by the project. The value for real <br />property investments shall be calculated based on a period of four (4) consecutive years <br />with the value of personal property investments being considered for a period of three (3) <br />consecutive years in determining value for grant calculation purposes. The beginning <br />date for grant calculations is to be the date of useful occupancy and/or production startup. <br /> <br />. Level 3 grant - a grant award based upon the project's estimated tax revenue generation <br />value, to be calculated to equate to approximately 75% of the value of real and personal <br />property tax revenue value anticipated to be generated by the project. The value for real <br />property investments shall be calculated based on a period offour (4) consecutive years with <br />the value of personal property investments being considered for a period of three (3) <br />consecutive years in determining value for grant calculation purposes. The beginning date <br />for grant calculations is to be the date of useful occupancy and/or production startup. <br /> <br />· Corporate Headquarters Facility Lease Provision - Projects meeting all of the criteria <br />required for one of the grant level categories noted above, but involving the lease of a new <br />building to be constructed for acorporate headquarters rather than direct ownership, may be <br />grant eligible unden certain conditions. In such instances, the owner of the building to be <br />constructed shall be 'responsible for providing documentation showing the estimated new tax <br />revenue generation ,value for the building and permanent fixtures, plus any eligible new <br />personal property of the lessee that will generate tax revenue. The owner shall also be <br />required to provid~ a copy of the proposed lease with the prospective company that <br />demonstrates it is attleast five (5) years in length. Ifa grant is awarded, it will be conditioned <br />upon the owner oftije building and the company executing the lease that the'building(s) will <br />house the center of the company's operations including the main offices for its management <br />and administrative officers during the grant period. Agreements executed using this provision <br />shall normally be with the tenant but based on the value of the building since it will be the <br />primary permanent generator of new tax revenue. The building owner may be the recipient <br /> <br />- 4- <br /> <br />G-2-' <br />
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