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<br />SECTION VIII I <br />tOURCES OF PROGRAM Rl:VENUE (ALL SOURCES) <br /> <br /> <br />. $63,391 <br />DJJDP/JCPC Funds <br /> 30%. <br />Local Match Rate <br />. <br />County Cash <br />. Local Cash <br />$ 19,018 <br />Localln.Kind <br /> Other <br /> Other <br />,d Other <br /> <br />$82,409 <br />TOTAL <br /> <br />Note: This Is the amount of your request on your application <br /> <br />lis the Local Match Rate 10%, 20% or 30%1 <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />Cabarrus Office <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />This document has been revlewfMjl8nd recommended for fundlno. " ,. <br />This Is to certify that the Deparlnienl 01 Juvenile Jusllce and Delinquency Prevenllon funds In this Program Agreement will nol be used 10 <br />duplicate or to supplant other progr~ms whose primary Intent Is to provide community based altemallves lor delinquents, undisciplined youth or <br />youth at risk 01 juvenile delinquency; <br />This agreement may be tennlnat In whole or In part by the Department 01 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevenllon In the event that .tate <br />or lederal funds which heve been al peated to the Department 01 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preveollon are eliminated or reduced to such an <br />extent that, In the sole detennlnatlo' 01 the Department, conllnuallon 01 the obligations at the levels stated herein may not be maintained. <br />We, the undersigned agree to comply with all Provisions 01 this agreement, Including the Indemnlflcstlon and Hold Harmless. Grantee Audit <br />. , I I A lound on the Provision page 01 this agreement and with tha <br />policy guideline. lor the Community i .ed A1temative. progrem a. codified In the North Cerollna Admlnlstrellve Procedures 9 NCAC 5C and 9 <br />NCAC 50. <br /> <br />i <br />I <br />Secretary, Department of Jl'venlle Justice and Delinquency Prevention <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />oard of Corhmlssloners or County Finance Director <br /> <br /> <br />anager <br /> <br />Date <br />,~12.,) f Q " <br />Date <br /> <br />s"gc-ol. <br />ae <br /> <br />Page 10 of 10 <br /> <br />'F- 15 <br />