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<br />Stata in measurable terms the intended effect on specific undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors. IExemple: anticipeted <br />reductions in courl rafeffals, runaway behavior, disruptive behavior at school, anticipated improvad school al/andance and <br />academic achievement. These objectivas must include parlicipant outcomas and may include program outcomas. <br /> <br />(1) Provide in-home coun.' eling and support to families in order to reduce out-of-home placement of juveniles <br />who are at risk of system placement--90% of cases served will have children remaining in the home following <br />HB intervention. <br />(2) 85% of juveniles served will demonstrate improved behaviors at home. <br />(3) 80% of juveniles serve,d will demonstrate improved behaviors at school. <br />(4) 85% of juveniles served will demonstrate improvement in child/parent relationship following HB intervention, <br />with parents demonstrating enhanced techniques in parenting style. <br />(5) Reduction in further court referrals one year following case closure by 90%. <br />(6) 95 % of cases will reCeive follow-up services at quarterly intervals. <br />(7) 85% of cases will hav~ 20 to 24 face-to-face contacts before completion of HB intervention. <br />(S) 100% of cases will halle detailed case plans to outline objectives and goals, which will be assessed and <br />evaluated for monthly charges. <br />(9) 100% of cases will be evaluated for supplemental parenting education classes to enhance objectives taught <br />to arents durin HBS. <br />PdCif'l' 'C()rfirttl.ltliRtllkFlicrtd II . Address.d <br /> <br />State how '0' risk factpr(s) identified b the JCPC will be addressed. <br />Families will have help through Home Based intervention in addressing and appropriately responding to issues <br />that are prevalent in impoverished neighborhoods and in today's society as a whole, such as negative peer <br />relations or gangs, crime ,nd violence, drug and alcohol use, apathy in the schools, and aggression. Family <br />involvement and communication will be encouraged by developing strategies to effectively discuss issues and <br />to seek resources to facili~lIte rectifying the problem with support and guidance of the Home Based counselor. <br />Parents will be encourage\! to become more involved with their children, and to provide supervision and <br />structure needed in teaching appropriate boundaries. The Home Based counselor will also seek to understand <br />the motivations behind the child's actin out in a wa to hel the arents better deal with their issues. <br />:'P!,QtIIQtlv.F!lQtQI"$Otijl%lJ~~'iie.itH"'bil~$~CJearstithti8(ds,.$i<J1is,q' .......~l'Itt!il~H.. ." ...itiCijj)...:....... <br />Protective factors buffer ttje effecl, reduce the impact of exposure, or change the way a youth responds to risk <br />factors. Protective factors promote positive behavior, health, well-being and personal success. By utilizing <br />Home Based Services, th. Home Based worker will be able to address the needs and issues that affect not <br />only the juvenile's ability tq move forward and be productive, but needs and issues of the parent. The Home <br />Based staff are effective irt working with families by having frequent contact and establishing a trusting <br />relationship in the family's [setting. Better communication and listening skills will be encouraged as well as <br />building a safer environmi\nt to express needs and concerns of family members. Home Based Counselors will <br />have the opportunity to help encourage a commitment to school and build motivation for a more positive school <br />attitude. The Home Basedicounselor will utilize techniques to promote better communication, nurturing, and <br />problem solving methods (0 encourage better interaction within the home setting. Parents will also benefit from <br />arental su ort In dealin ' with challen in behaviors as well as arental trainin toolsttechni ues. <br /> <br />";'<<f;ill!':~"~;': COMPONENT SUMMARY CONTINUED attach for each com onent) <br /> <br />Afjll$bfC()fi(:~':"'" ., iscllll$al'l.~as~f~l'l1tJJllfl1(jwdlil'ie&ij~$$,.... <br />One of the greatest challe ' ges in prOViding appropriate intervention is to get parents to recognize their role in <br />affecting a positive changQ In their child's behavior. The family's lack of willingness and readiness for change is <br />a key area of concern thatlinterteres with successful outcomes for referrals made to the program. We are <br />addressing this concern by utilizing a more collaborative approach with the court counselors at DJJ to get <br /> <br /> <br />F-15 <br />