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<br />SECTION VIII <br /> <br />SO~C~S OF PROGlUMREV!mJE (AlL SOURCES) <br /> <br />$24.356 <br />DJJDP/JCPC Funds <br />Local Match Rate <br />, <br />i <br />County Cash <br />$ 12,810 <br />Local Cash <br />LOCjllln-Klnd <br />Other <br />, <br />Other <br />Other <br /> <br />Note: This is the amount of your request on your application <br /> <br />liS the Local Match Rate 10%, 20% or 30%? <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br />Specific County Match <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />(Specify Source) <br /> <br />$37,166 <br />, <br />TOTAL <br /> <br /> <br />$ 12,810 <br />Local Match Provided <br /> <br />r <br />This Is to osrtlfy that the Department, f Juvenile Justios end Delinquency Prevention funds In this Program Agreement will not be used to <br />duplicate or to supplant other programs Whose primary intent Is to provide community based allematlves for delinquents, undisciplined youth or <br />youth at risk of juvenile delinquency. <br />This agreement may be tennlnated I~ whole or In part by the Department of Juvenile Justlos and Delinquency Prevention in the event that state <br />or federal funds which have been alloealed to the Department of Juvenile Justlos and Delinquency Prevention are eliminated or reduced to such an <br />extent that, in the sole detennlnatlon of \he Department, continuation of the obligations at the levels stated herein may not be maintained. <br />We, the undersigned agree to camp'f with all Provisions of this agreement, including the Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Grantee Audit <br />Reauirement. Affirmative Action Termination of Aareement and Acknowledaement found on the Provision page of this agreement and with the <br />pOlicy guidelines for the Community Bas,4ld Mematives Program as codified In the North Carolina Adminlstretive Proosdures 9 NCAC 5C and 9 <br />NCAC 50. <br /> <br /> <br />Secretary, Department of Juvtnlle Justice and Delinquency Prevention <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br /> <br />unty Board of comnjlssloners or County Finance Director <br /> <br />Date <br />..J1Ufuc. <br />Date <br /> <br />F-15 <br />Page 10 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />1-6~ <br />