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<br />DOA.73S <br /> <br />Home .nd Community Block Gr.nt lor Older AduKI <br />cqunty Funding P1.n <br /> <br />Methodology to Addr... SINIce Needl d Low-Income Minority EIde~Y and Rural Elde~ <br />(Older Ame~ean Act, SOCIlon 306 (.) (~ (A) 00 <br /> <br />Community S.rvlea ProvIdar Clbomll County Deportment of Aging <br /> <br />COunty: Clbomll <br /> <br />July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2007 <br /> <br />The 0Id0r Amorlceno Act requlraolholll1e oervlce provider oIIempl to provide oelVl_lo low-Income <br />mln~ indlvtduellln _nca to their need lor .glng oervIceo. The community servlea provider <br />sholl spoclfy how the oervlce needl d I...y..lncome mln~ el~ end ruralelde~ will bo met through <br />the oervIceo ldenttlled on tho Provider Seivicea Summery (OOA-732). Thll n.rrotlve oh.llldd.... <br />outreoch .nd oervlce delivery methodololiles Ihet will ensura the! thll target popuilllon Isldequelely <br />served end conform to spoclflc oI>jectIvW,..tabUlhed by tho Al.. Agency on Aging for providing <br />servlcao to Iow-Income minority Indlvlduelo. Additional pagel mey bo uoed eo necMl8ry. <br /> <br />GOAL: <br /> <br />To ensure the pIIrticlpet60n In services prQvided through the Cebarrus County Oep.rtment of Aging of the low <br />Income minority okter adults in the community. <br /> <br />The Clbonus County Deportment d AgIr1g provides oervIceo to 811 older adu~ reeldenll ragordieea d raca or <br />aconomle statUI. IIrochUM .re dlot~b~ throughout tho community lhe! promotalhe oervIceo provided by our <br />ogency. Services ara aloo promoted Ihroygh local church...nd Ihrough apooklng preeantatJone 10 IInlor <br />clllzano and local civic groupo, <br /> <br />OUr current client baaelncludes e 8ubstatltlal number of minority clients and some of our LunchPlus Club sites <br />are I~ed In minority and Nl1Ilareaa, Transportation is provided to .11 LunchPlua Club progl'llms. W. will <br />conllnuelo dlalribute InIormetIon In prad$1lnetaly minority end/or low Income nelghborhoodl, promote our <br />lllVi_through local churches. make _.1 p_onllo groupo, and pIoce InIormellonal brochureo <br />In local medlcal_i1~I... <br /> <br />w. distribute our Sunset Outlook newslttter bl-monthly to 4,0Q()..6.000 subscribe,.. <br />We allo started producing e twice viHkJy Television Show (Forever Young) Ihal <br />.dd...... Aging IllUOIlnd Ia evellable dn local ClbII TV. Thla .liowI publicity 01 our programs .nd <br />services to reach the entire county, We ~tso coordinate service ref.mlls wtth other human service <br />ogencIes .nd recolve _Iller servI_ ,from ve~ local oervIce provldera. <br /> <br />1="=5 <br />