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<br />DOA-133 <br /> <br />Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults <br />County Pundlng Plan <br /> <br />Methodology to Address Service Needs of Low~ncome Minority Elderly and Rural Eldarly <br />(Oldat' American Act, Section 306 (a) (5) (A) (II) <br /> <br />Community Service Provldar: <br /> <br />Cabarrus County Department of Seelal Servloas <br /> <br />County: Cabarrus <br /> <br />July 1, 2008 through June 3D, 2007 <br /> <br />The Older Americans Act requir.. t\1at the service provider attempt to provide servicee to low-Income <br />minority IndMduale In acoordanee t9their need for aging servlcae. The community service provIdat' <br />ahall specify how tho service needs,of low-Income mlncrity elderly and rural olderly will ba met through <br />the servlcae Ident1f1ed on tho Pro~r Servlcae Summary (DOA-732). This narrative ahell address <br />outreach and service delivery me\h9dOlOglee that will enaure thalthill target population ill adequately <br />..rved and conform to apeclfic objtlcttves 8Ilabllahed by tho Area Agency on Aging for providing <br />servIcee to Iow-lncome minority Indjviduale. Addlllonsl pages may ba used ao _ry. <br /> <br />GOAL: To Inc_ participation In servlcae and programa by low-Income minority eldeny peraon. at a <br />minimum rate of the pan:entage allow-Income minority sldarty In the community. I <br /> <br />Cabarruo County Department of Sejelal Servlcae provldae _Istanee to all Individual. requeotlng <br />servlcoa regerdlee$ of race Ind with most of our programs serving low Income IndMduall. The type or <br />extent of servlcoa cilento receive Ira baeed solely on cllanto' n$ed and evallablllty of funding. <br /> <br />Through the HCCBG Program, 31 % of the clients served ere In the minority populltlon. Thlo <br />exceeds the 15.7% minority popUI~1on in Clbarrus County, which Is refl8cted In the 2000 <br />otaIlellos. We will continue to stnv. to _ the tow Income minority population. In our <br />Community AIIemal1vae Program (PAP), 36% of the cilento served are In this group. In Idd1llon, 84% <br />of the cllonto served through theln'Home AIde Program hid Income under 100% of the Fede"" <br />Poverty Level. <br /> <br />Outreach by the agency has been *'>COmplillhed by newspaper articles, brochures, home vl.1Io by <br />eoolal work staff, snd contacts wltholher agencies. Since funding 10 IIm1lod forth'" programs, sny <br />new outreach program. will not ba ,Implemented; hOWlvet', current olllrellch effort., which hive <br />proven effective In the past, will cominue. Boeed on current n$ed for servloas, there .re not <br />aufflclent funda for an Increese In the numbar of clients served. Requaets from cllems who msel the <br />need for In-Homo Aide oervJcae will continue to be occopled. New cilento will be Idded as exI.t1ng <br />clients leave the program or experi..ce a dee_seln the number of un1lo naedad or _al <br />funds are aecured, <br /> <br />As an 1gency with funding from ..,!,eral 1OUn:.., ......mento will be msde with each case to be <br />Illra thet funding ill used to best ~ the _ of the clients and thet Older American Act fundo <br />Ire targeted towerdo low Income njlnority Individuaill. <br /> <br />GOAL: To Incr.... participation It'I oervic.. and programs by rural elderly In the community. <br /> <br />Caborruo County Department of So<:lsl Service pn:vides assistance to IlIlndMdullsllving within <br />the county's boundan.. requoetlng'servlcae regardl... of locltion wlthln the county. The type and <br />extent of sorvJcoa cilento recoJve a~ boeed on cilento' needs and evallablllty of funding. <br /> <br />Through the HCCIlQ progrem, e~,of cllerds _ Ire In more rursllocellons, Cabarrus County, <br />due to Il8 IoOI\lon Is dMcrlbsd II Ijort of "centrel countlee of melropol1lon ereaa of 1 million <br />_1II1on or more." It would ba e$PeCled to find fewer rural r.._ln thls county thin in lree. <br />thet Ire not sa populous. <br /> <br />Olllreech by the agency he been eCoompllshed by nawspeper IrtlClea, brochur... homo - by <br />SlICiII work staff, Ind contacts wIt~ other agenclee. SInos ftmdlng Isllm1lod for th_ programs, Iny <br />new outreech programl will not beilmpllmented; _er, current outreach efforts , which have <br />proven effective In the past, will ,tlnue. Booed on current need for eervlcas, there are not <br />suflIcIenI funds for Inor_lng the umber of cllerds served. Requeots from c1I_ who meet the need <br />for In-Home AIde servJcae will co nue to ba Iccepted. New clients will ba added IS exIlling <br />_ Ieeve the pn:gremor e I decrease In the number of un1lo needed or eddlllonsl <br />funding Ie oecured. <br /> <br />As In agency with funding from ......"" IOUroes, I-'"Onto will ba made wllh 8llCh CMe to be <br />sura thai funding II best used to ~ the n$ed. of the clients and thai Older American Act funda <br />are targeted towards rurallndMd"la. <br /> <br />F-5 <br />