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<br /> <br />COMPONENT NARRATIVE CONTINUED (attach for each component) <br />(5) Describe the interaction with uvenile cowt and other referring agencies. <br /> <br />This position will be housed at the Cabarrus County Court house 20 hours per week. This will provide the Staff <br />Psychological Associate opportunity to interact with the DJJDP staff on a weekly basis both formally and informally. <br /> <br /> <br />(1) Elevated Risk and Needs: Describe how you wili address one or more of the elevated risk and needs of <br />adiudicated youth in the county. 'IPlease see the county JCPC Request For Pronosal for elevated risk/needs.) <br />The program will be providing lilTfely information concerning needs of the cilent in the manner in which these needs <br />can be addressed. The servicesiaddress the priority risk factors of Family Management Problems and Community <br />Drug and Alchol Use through detiilrmining the appropriate course of treatment. <br /> 0 <br />(2) Protective Factors: Describe how you wili address one or more of the Priority Protective Factors listed in the local <br />JCPC Request for Proposal. 00 <br />Protective factors to address "ris~ factors" will inciude a comprehensive assessment with specific treatment <br />recommendations focusing on in~reasing the youth's and family's protective tactors while decreasing the impact of the <br />risk factors the family is facing. <br /> '0 <br /> <br />F-15 <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />