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<br />8, ~, Customer agrees to use reasonable efforts to prevent the transmission to the Systems of any software or file which contains any viruses, <br />wonns, hannful component or corrupted data and agrees not to use any device, software, or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the <br />Systems. <br /> <br />9, Encrvntion, Customer acknowledges and agrees that encryption may not be available for every communication through the Systems, or for all <br />data, Customer agrees that Custodian may deactivate any encryption features at any time, without notice or liability to Customer, for the purpose of maintaining, <br />repairing or troubleshooting the System or the SoftWare, <br /> <br />10, In . of ecords. In connection with Customer's use of the Systems, Custodian may, at Customer's request, pennit <br />Customer to enter data directly into a Custodian tabase for the purpose of modifying certain infonnation maintained by Custodian's systems, including, but not <br />limited to, change of address infonnation, To the extent that Customer is granted such access, Customer agrees to indemnify and hold Custodian hannless from all <br />loss, liability, cost, damage and expense (including attorney's fees and expenses) to which Custodian may be subjected or which may be incuITed in connection with <br />any claim which may arise out of or as a result of changes to Custodian database records initiated by Customer, <br /> <br />11, Al!ents. Customer may, on advance written notice to the Custodian, pennit its agents and contractors ("Agents") to access and use the Systems <br />on Customer's behalf, except that the Custodian reserves the right to prohibit Customer's use of any particular Agent for any reason, Customer shall require its <br />Agent(s) to agree in writing to be bound by the terms of the Agreement, and Customer shall be liable and responsible for any act or omission of such Agent in the same <br />manner, and to the same extent, as though such aot or omission were that of Customer, Each submission of a Written Instruction, request for infonnation or other <br />communication by the Agent through a System sh41l constitute a representation and warranty by the Customer that the Agent continues to be duly authorized by the <br />Customer to so act on its behalf and the Custodian :may rely on the representations and warranties made herein in complying with such Written Instruction, request or <br />cOnllnunication. Any Written Instruction, infonn,tion request or other communication through the System by an Agent shall be deemed that of Customer, and <br />Customer shall be bound thereby whether or not ~uthorized, Customer may, subject to the tenns of this Agreement and upon advance written notice to the Bank, <br />provide a copy of the System user manuals to its Agent if the Agent requires such copies to use the Systems on Customer's behalf. Upon cessation of any such Agent's <br />services, Customer shall promptly terminate such Agent's access to the Systems and retrieve from the Agent any copies of the manuals and destroy them, <br /> <br />F-I-\- <br />