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<br />...... ... ........... fU......11J.llLJl.I <br /> <br />rn^ nUl fU~OI~~qOO <br /> <br />r. U.:l <br /> <br />~QlIIfIMeNT SALI!S 0RDlllt <br />AODI1lONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS <br />(Rofenod... oRtIIo R......lIW. Ho-'J <br /> <br />1. The Sellll1' reserves lhe right to accept or reject lhis order and &hall not be '*luinld to give any realSOn for non-ac<:eptanc:e. <br /> <br />2. If financing terms are required on this order, Seller's llCOllPtanoe Is $UbJeot to the approval of the !..ender. If f1nanelng <br />terl'II$ are ~uired. p,urlll!al1lll' ~llY:agl'!l!lll to,Ell(e~I8,I1rlY' li8C3!l1ty agreemel\t !!Ind any,Jinane)ng statement required by <br />Lender. and lluthOrizes Seller 10 execute "ny$ldl doCumenlllln PurChaser's name. <br /> <br /> <br />:Ubj~~ :d~=J=:'a~=":;::=i~.:'r::'~tra:: :n::=:celill~~~ ~~:su,:nt: <br />embargoea. goller'nmlllllal acIIon or any oth8r cause8 beyOi1d lhII c:onl/'Ol of the Seller whether the same llS. or different from <br />the malllll'8 and !hi. hereInbefore spec:ifK:a11y enumerated and any of said causes having an adverse effect on Seller's <br />abillty to perform ahall absolutely absolve the Seller from any llabllily to the Purdla$er under the terms hereof. <br />"" ". _ .~ "-',..; ',- ,:~-~-,~.-...t--U ,..,~~:>.:.:;)t .'~"'~C '.f',-, '; '<;.:';:;;:~>.:':-~:,,_. . <br />4. Tine to a~ fight of JlOSSllI8Ion of said sxOduct(.) &hall rMlIlin ve&tedln the SEdler until .11 indabledneu and 1111 sum. clue <br />or to bec:ome due from the Purc:h8ser, whelhet evidenc:ed by note. book account, judgment, or otherwise, shall been <br />fully paid, at whlllh time HUe shall paM to the Purohaser. <br />S. The Seller'.,,~ll:Inlty~r shlPl\l8!'lIs. Qelsee upon de!l)Iery, tp.1! jransportation company. and any claims for ~.. <br />delays or dati'i__OCaurtng;~fter $heII'bem8de llY the PiJ~ to the transportation company. A1TtJ claims against <br />th~ Seller ~or shortages in shipments shall be mede Within fil'teert days after dellvlll'Y by the IrIiInsportation company to the <br />polntofdehvery.;:; .; ,,co, .. , ,.", ,......, <br />6. The Pur!:haser agrees that this order shall not be oount.ermanded by hIm. and that when it Is accepted (and until the <br />execution and delivery of the contrac:lor !:Ol1ltac:ls and nota or notes Alqulred to coneummate the eate llS abOlre Specified) It <br />will lnc<<porate all agreements be~n the parties relative to this Il'ansactiOl1, and, that the Seller is not bound by any <br />representallons or terms made by any agent relative tQ thlS;filliiattlon vmIcI1 are not conllllned here. This order shall not be <br />binding upon the Seller unlll it Is duly ac:cepted in writing by an authorimd official of the Seller. Any changes or modlfleatlol1fl <br />to this contrac:t shall be made in lAfiting and signed by both the Seller and Purchaser. <br />7. When the ptOdlJ!:ts ~to fin 'th~d1iI..fti$vib.~n a~~~1Ai~~~'itie1!lur!:haser agrees on demand to <br />execute and deliver to the Sillier the notU and CClI'ltl'8llls required by the Seller to evidence the lransaetJons. in the event the <br />Purdlasar fails to exeoule and deliver said notes and conlrac:ts to the Seller. the entire balance of the purohase price shall <br />upon Seller's lender of performance and at the Seller's option become Immediately du* .and payable. <br />8. This conlrac:t Is to be governed in iJIlC;OR!llnce with the 1_ of the Stale of Oklahoma. <br /> <br />BILL OF 8AL8 FOR PROPERlY TAKEN IN TRADE <br /> <br />FDr valUe rec.lvecI, l/we hereby gl1lf1t, ull. tnanaf8r end delIVer unto lClrbY4mllh MlIChinerv, Ina.. .715 W. <br />~. Ok'ehoomi City, Ok 731a7 at <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. . . <br /> <br />, <br />llY4 h8nlby cetllfy Ihstlhere 18 no lien, claim. cIeI*.,mortgags OK encumbnJ_ of any klnd, nature or <br />descriptlori 1IQ81nsl1h1s~ now IIlllsllng, ot I'8QOId 01' Ol/leN6se encllholaarna Is 1'rII8 and deer <br />and Is my/our sClIs an" lIbG01ute property. l/We agree to 8S8UIIHI.11l. of lose andIOK dam. to above <br />described squlp/llsnt, beyond normal wear, until doliVely II fll'amp~~, . <br /> <br />by <br /> <br />(Tillo) <br /> <br />m-''''''--, ","" .....RlOH'I'SAl!ll!!R\l2O <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />'. . <br /> <br /> <br />F-5 <br />