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<br />- -_ ~_ R_ ... oa_.._ ...._............., <br /> <br />J f U\ nUl I u'tQ I t:."~tJO <br /> <br />r. Uti <br />~iJ.~ <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />i!lLJ <br /> <br />SPECIFICATIONS <br />'OR <br />i.M'DFu'L COMPACTOR W01l SPllE.'\DER BLADE <br />I'OR <br />nn: CITY OF Ef\<1D, OKL..wOMA <br /> <br />INSTRUCTIONS TO BlDDERS ."-lIiD GE.1\;"'ER.u, COllf'DITIONS: <br /> <br />Scaled bids will be rac;cived by the City of Enid, Oklahoma, a MlltIicipal Corporation. at the office of the <br />City Clerk of said City, located in the Dr. Martin Luther Kin!!, Ir. MUllicipal Complex, 401 W. Owen <br />Glll'riott Road, P.O. BOli: 1768, Enid, OklahO.\X1ll, until 5:00 P.M. Local TltI1e Oil the 9th day f3f January, <br />2006, for furnishing: <br /> <br />LA."'1DF"..LL COMPACTOR W1TB SPllEADER 'BLADE <br /> <br />Said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud all0:00 A.M. f3n the 10th day of January, 2006, in the <br />office f3ftheCiry Clerk. All bids will remainoD file in the office oflhe City Clerk. <br /> <br />At a laler dele, the Mayor and Board of Comrnissionen wiU meet 10 award the contract. All bids musI be <br />ill =rdance with the specificatians on flle in the office of the City Clerk which are made 8. part thereof. <br /> <br />Bids ~ive6 after the tiual time set for receipt of bids Will not be eoDSidered and wiU be retUtned <br />WlOpclIed. <br /> <br />No bid may be withdrawn ailer the scheduled time for receipt of bids for at least 60 days. <br /> <br />SpecificatiollS may be procured or examined without charge in the City Clerk's Office. <br /> <br />The City f3f Ecid reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive wormalities. Should the bidder <br />be unable to Meet or exceed the stated specificatiollS, the bidder may suhxuil a bid which be$! meet~ the <br />City's specifications. The City may. at its option. award a contract to the bidder whoso bid best satisfies <br />the requirltU'lents eontainlld within the spodficatiOD$ as determined by the City Commission. <br /> <br />Ez...:h ;,i..k1el' shall sublllit a bid OIl the enclosed form IUId attach complete dosCl'iprl)U with hi. bid. Bid <br />shall be F.O.B. Enid, OklahoMa withOldahCllM State, local and Fedora! tali: excluded. <br /> <br />A completed and Clleeuted Bllsb\e$s Relationships Affidavit ancl Non-Collusion Affidavit shall <br />acclJlIlllQY the sealed proposal of each bidder or bid may be rejected. <br /> <br />Should more than one proposal be submitted for the same receipt date. whether on the same item or <br />differem items, each proposal shall be cceloaed in a separate envelope with proposal or bid sheet on top. <br /> <br />Proposal etIvlll10pe shall be plainly marked 011 the Olll$ide as follf3ws: <br /> <br />LANDFILL COMPACTOR wrrs: SPR.EAnER BLADE <br /> <br />F-5 <br />