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<br />.. - '.- ~. ... .~-..... .......41'...11.' <br /> <br />I J In nu. I U"tU I c:.Q....UU <br /> <br />ro 1'1 <br /> <br />NO~t;QLLUSI0N AFI:JDA YI1 TO ACCOMP.~'Y BID <br /> <br />STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) <br />) Ss: <br />COl"jNTY OF OAlU'IELD ) <br /> <br />Tecl TeNon: <br /> <br />, oflawful age, being fllst duly sworn. on oatb says: <br /> <br />, <br />1. (S)eets the duly authorized agent of ~,.;~ -~~\.. J)l.wj..'I\~ <br />the bidder submitting the competitive bid which is attached to this statement. for the <br />purpose of certify.ij1i the facts pertaWn. to the existence of collusion among bidders and <br />belwllCln bil1clers llIjd municipal officials or employees, as well as facts pertaining to the <br />iii-ins or offering pfthings of value to govcnmnent personnelln I'lltUrn for spe'~a\ <br />consideration in ~ letting of any contract pursuant to the bId to which this statemCl'lt is <br />attached; <br /> <br />2. (S)ae is fully aware ofth. facts and cirewnstan41l.'!$ surrounding the making <br />of the bid to which this statement is attached and has been personally and directly <br />involved in the p~cecdings leading to the submission of sue}). bid; aDd <br /> <br />3. NeiJher the bidder nor anyone llubjoc:t to the bidder's direetion Or control <br />has been a party: <br /> <br />a. to any 4lol1llsion among biclder1 in restraint of freedom of <br />competition by agreement to bid at a fIXed price or to refrain from <br />bidding; <br />b. . to an)' collusion with any municipal cflicial or employee as to <br />quantity, quality orprice in the prospective cuntraet, or as to any <br />other ton:J1S of S\leh prospective contract, nor <br />Co in 8IIY diSCWlSiOl'lS between bidcJcrs and any ll1tWcipals official <br />COI1~g exchango or money or /)tber thing o:l'valu" for special <br />consideration in tholetOng Of~' contract. <br /> <br />4? ~~--<t--r9 :- <br />t:/ <br /> <br />Subscn'bed and s$m to before me this ~ day of <br /> <br />January <br /> <br />, 2006 . <br /> <br />a.. .Lde1. <br />Notary Pu'bUt . - <br /> <br />My COtIIJI1ission Bltpi.rea: <br />My CImIl:lJi8$ion No. <br />!lociIMoI1 ' <br /> <br />~/11'" <br />"I en,)'" t.7 f <br /> <br />F-5 <br />