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<br />The Independent Tribune <br /> <br />July 18,2006 <br /> <br />CD <br /> <br />CABAFiRUS COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />July 31, 2Q06 . 6:00 p.m. . <br /> <br />. '. Industrial Development Incentlve"Gnlnts <br /> <br />Notk:e -is hereby given that the Cabanus COOnty Board of Commissioners will hokl a public <br />h9arilg at 6:00.p.m. (or as soon thereafter as pelSCflS may be heard) on Monday, July 31. <br />200$, to consider an iIcentive grant for Connextions Health, Inc., pursuant to N.C. General <br />SIaIute 158-7.1 The company proposes 10 locate s, cal center in Concord, NC, with an an- <br />ticipated total pro;ect investment of approximately $4.9, million and is requesOOg a waiver of <br />the headqual1ers requirement of the incentiv9 grant program 10 receive s. Sma. Corporate <br />Headquarters Grant equivalenllO ~ of the ad valorem taxes on the jnvestr'nent.. <br /> <br />Notice Is hereby~ lhat the Cabarrus County Board 01 CornmissionerswiR hold a pltlIIc <br />heamg at 6:00 p.m. (or as soon thtf98fter as persons may-be healtl) on Monday, July 31, <br />2006, \otonSlderan I1cenlIve grant and modlfication of the incentive grant program for Dou- <br />bIe 0 PlaStics, Inc., purSuant to ftC. General Statute 158-7.1 . The company proposes to l0- <br />cate In KannapoIis, NC, with an a~ loIaI.project invesIment 01 approximately $2.3 mil- <br />lion and 18 requestilg a 3-year grant equivalent 10 85% of the ad'valorem taxes on the invest. <br />...... . <br /> <br />The public hearings will be held in the Commissioners' Meetlog Room located on the second <br />fIoorofthe Cabarrus County Governmental Center, 65 Church $tre8t, $E. Concord, NC. <br /> <br />The propOsed draft agreerrlents are available lor inspection in the Office of the Clerk to the <br />Board at the Governrnental Cenler. <br /> <br />Franl<ie F. Bonds <br />CleIktolf1eBoard <br /> <br />IF REASONABLE ACCOMMOOATIONS ARE NEEDED. PlEASE CONTACT THE CLERK <br />AT 1704) 92Q02110 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. <br />PUBUSH: July 18, 2006 <br /> <br />c-\ <br />