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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />u..,!:l'<P!o'p~r!m!i'nt!!f~!!~,ic~,;"." <br />Office of c:.ul"tYo/ffii"{tfiYf~'iCi,,g/iY,iif.:liices <br />!~ra:QtiiT ~~gJ,s ~P<ti)~p~~iai'tq~diti9~~". <br />'" .... ....... .,............ ..."... .....".. ."....."... <br /> <br /> <br />....... ..... ..... ...... ...... ........ .... <br />~y!~ign~~~:~~~A'\{*d JW~ument tc)"'~t~ept this Technology Initiative grant, your agency agrees to abide by the following grarif~~~~j~iO~)!:': <br /> <br />...... ...... ...,.."...... . ...,...,...... ......, ..,m ............. ..... <br />...... ....... ..... ......" "'" ...n .,..,,,,, ...... <br />........... ,........... ..."".. ...."..".....,. ...'n.....' .n,. <br />l::'.~<~e gr~~~~ agrees to comply with the COPS statute (42 V.S.C. ~3796dd); OMS Circulars A~87, A-21, A-122 or the Feder~'Acquj~idJh:::tt~gu,~(iili~s,'as ::"i~::-?' <br />applicable (governing cost principles); OMS CircuJ~..A-l 07: @~~:G:.J'.K:)~~ ~:6lor A- J 10 (28 C.F .R. P8:I;t}Q.), as applicable (Uniform Administrative Requiremen'tS <br />for Grants and Cooperative Agreement~).i,p~B Pff~U!~:.A.J~.t(g'~~.j#nifj*i~.~~iS), and with all applic~~I~f1*~$ram n:q.~~f~ments, laws, orders, regularions, or <br />circulars. ......,......... ....... ...".. ..... ...... ..... ,.."... ,....... ....." .."..."... .". <br />.. <br />"........ ....... . ".... .............. ........, ..,.. ....... ....... ............. <br />... ..."... ....... ............ ...... ..... ....... .... ........... .. <br />...... ...... ,...... ....... ....."....... ,....... ...... . ...."... ................. .... .... <br />....." ....... .... ....... . ...... ....... ".... ,.... ...,. ..".. .,. ....... .... <br />".,:2..::' '.:.:Jil;~!gr~~~e agrees to compl.y V;~,~ t~~:AS~~f~.T!~~::Md:~ftificatio~~;fphns that were signed an~:~~~~~ited.~::pat:t~fiits T~~~n9~gY.t:~~~i~1,~e: application. <br /> <br /> <br />. .....",...,..... ............. ,...,.. ...... ........... ............. ..... ....... ...."...., .... ..... ..... <br />............... ......... .............. ....... ..... ......,... ...... ..... ...... ...... ........ ...,......... .... ....... .".. <br />. ..., .., .......,.. ........,.."..... .............. ............ ........ ......, ....... "..". "... ...............". ............., ... . <br />....., .... ........ . ."..."...... ............. ....... .. .... ............. ...........,. ............ ...... <br />.. .....y:j}. /;fh~!~~~i~e ad~:h~~I~d'g~'s that 'tli{ffi:rlding 'Jh'd~r this project is for the payment of approved costs for the c~:titM~~d d#.~~~jjfu~ht oi:i~liriolog!.~ .~d automa~e~/' . <br />d!:#~jtrns toi~s'ist state and local law enforcement agencies in investigating, responding to and preventing crime. The allowable costs ar~.:tlrntied to:.thjjsell$.t~.d.:Qi1 tb~:.:~ <br />:i~::~udget c1~~ce memorandum, included in your agency's award packet. ....... ... ..... ...... <br /> <br />... .., ... ........ . <br />....... ......... ..."...... ,........ <br />.......... ."..... .......... .... <br />4. The grantee acknowledges t~.':I:~. Te.~h:!lology Initiative grant .~~il{;~~s.~~~4~o~~;~0 ~~~p)~~~t, a~~~:i1.Q(~~pplant, state, local or Bureau of Indian Affairs funds .. <br />already committed for ,..~:~~~. p~~=~~:~~iring, training, p~rch,~~F; and!~~:~fdV.~~~~) th.~(~~.~~:eXi~~:~~y::.~~~'absence of the grant. <br /> <br />5. :~,-)tw.~ gr:~~~~::~~~~h~1~~1h~:i~;I~~~y re~~:~~'I::~~:'~i~~~sio~~~f.:~~;~r~~!~~~~~:"per~~:!t~";~'ceive:~~r~lit'ional iime::~~jOlplemenLI~:]r~~.t'P~Q.g(~ffi;..an4 t.tH~' such <br />~1~~r&lWs~~t::;no~::~~~Vi~:~i~~~J~i'ona~:~~ding. Only those grante~:~:-ih~i can ~H}vfae a rdisbnable jusHucation for delays'wnh~ ~~~~f~d'W6~.7;~~.~::~:t~~:?~}t:::i:~;:::. ;;':::'" i',i: :,'. <br /> <br />gY~;i Ifi~ if'ht~~'::'~:kn4~j~dges that~1I grant modification requests must be approved, in writing, by the COPS Office prior to ih~ldfujil(;~htatj'&r Tij~jiqrs' O:~~( <br />V4jL~~f~ppre:v.e\l'ny modification request that results in an increase of federal funds. ., ....... .,...,. ..,. <br /> <br />...... ..."... ,.... ... <br />.... ..... ....... ..... <br />,.. .. ..,.. . <br />7. The grantee acknowledges that the COPS O~gse;!!,ay ~9.n~~t::~Ori~j8~i",f.~t:sponsor national eval~~~ifl.~,ofthe COPS Technology Initiative G~~~~ Progra~;':~~d <br />agrees to cooperate with the monitors ~!1~i.~~lu~.@j~::V:::::: ..........,. ...... ..... ... .'::"" .......... <br />.".",. <br /> <br />8. Tl).~:gram~ will be responsibh;~;tm: s~b'mi~~,rm p~h~'dic:plqgf,e5S rep~1jnd qu'artc'rl)"FfiriMibal rq?PJ1~:'" <br /> <br /> <br />...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ..... ......"...."". ,...... ......... ..... ,.... ...... ....,. <br />..... ....... ...... . ..... .. ,n" ...... .... n,,', ............. .... ........ ...... ..... .... ....... <br />..."....,,, .'"'' ........ ... ........ ..,.. ".... ....." ,.... ..",.. ................. ...... ......... ........ ....... ....... .".,... <br />........ ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ...... ...".. .... ...... ............. ....... ...n.. ...... ,... ...... ....... <br />.::VH1~." :~:;~i~~@j~'e a~~~ewiedg~~:that:~~,~~;ri~~~~~hustm~.~erformsVtfrious functions to ensure c6ffiPii~nce W~i~tj.~~:~;~(~~~~ili~n~i~:4H~' provide technical ,':'~:.;:.:::... <br />.~:::~~.~~~~hce:~~,:~fantef& The grantee agre6=io cooperate with any requests for grant-related documentation or other iefevant .~~irriatlon. :...:::' ...... . .,'..... ..... :'~.:' ":.. <br /> <br />:;;~j'o. Gran't~s that have 50 or more employees and grants over $500,000 (or over $1,000,000 in grants over an I8.month period) must ~~b~jt an acceptabi~"Eq'~al';:::::" <br />'. :'Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) or EEor short form, ifrequItt.4:W sub.rn:I(ah..EEQP:::P't\"~,e:f 2g;CXR,..'~2.302, that is approved by the Office of Justice .. <br />Programs, Office of Civil Rights, .>>!i~~in::@,days of the award st~~f~a(~~~',:::' :".."..:...,...... . ....':;...........,..::' :::::~~ ':::"'., ' <br /> <br />........ <br />.. <br /> <br />13. The grantee agrees to comply wit'*.:~~Pfopr'~i~~~al '~~~~em~nt .~i~;nifapplicable, grantees t~~fti~#,:been .;;t;W~d.~d funding for the procurement of an item <br />in excess of $1 00,000 and plan to usc;:~::#6~~:c(:U~I~'i'ltif#::proc~r~.~~~;pro~~s~::~ust Pf:~?ift~\~:~fi~en ~~!~:soiirce j~~imca.~!#~.!t<?.';~~::.~Q.PS Office for approval prior to <br />. o.~.'jJ~atj~~:ex~~~ing, or drawing do;~:.'grant fii!~~s fQtJ~at i~~~Li:::...'. ,...... .", ....... ...... .... .. .. ... .n...... ........".... ,.... ., <br />...... ....... ...., <br />... .. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />17. The grantee agrees to comply with 28 CFR Part 61 (Proc~8~,r~? for Wmle~~li!ting the National Enviro~~ntal Policy Act). <br /> <br />.. ............. .... ..... .......... <br />..... ..............", .. ...". <br />.......... ....... ..... .... ...,.." . ....... <br />18. The granlee acknowledges that fa,~~:~~A~.~"l~~~$~~h~taim:~:~~~~~,:~.1~ c~~r~~in:~ wi.~~.P)PS grants ~W~~~*H in f~~.~.~,jmp!isonment, debannent from participating <br />in federal contracts, and/or ~p#:.'6t1itir r~~dy,~~ila~~~\~~:'~~w, ...... ....." ... , ..". ., .. ..... <br /> <br /> <br />\=-- \3 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Award ID: <br /> <br />