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<br />THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE <br /> <br />November 10, 2006 <br /> <br />NO'IlCEOF <br />PU8IJC HEARING <br />HOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEH <br />that the Board of. County <br />Commissioners (the <br />. ~Board~) of. the County <br />of Cabarrus, North. Caro- <br />lina (the .County"), will <br />conduct a public hearing <br />on November. 20.- 2006 <br />concerning the execution <br />and delivery of (i) one or <br />more short-term install~ <br />ment - financing con. <br />tract(s) with one or more <br />third parties and (II) a <br />long-term installment fi. <br />nanclng contract with a <br />third party (collectively, <br />the "Contracts.) to fi; <br />nance all or a portion of <br />the costs of acquiring <br />real property con. <br />strutting, renovating .and <br />equ'fP,ng Jaw - enforce- <br />men facilities, various <br />real and pefSOflal proper- <br />. ty improvements related <br />to the foregoing and a <br />portion of tne Interest to <br />accrue under the. Con- <br />tracts durIng the con- <br />struction period (colle- <br />ctl\rely the "ProJect"). <br />The plan of financing klr <br />the Project. Involves (I) <br />the entry by the County <br />into one or more shorf. <br />term Installment flnanc. <br />ing contract(s) with one <br />or more third parties <br />who will provide the <br />County with up to <br />$40,000,000 fursuant. to <br />the terms 0 the short- <br />term installment financ' <br />ing contract(s). whieh <br />amounts wilt be used, to <br />p'rovlde Interim financing <br />for the Project pending <br />execution and delivery of <br />the long.term financing <br />contract and (II) ~he <br />entry by the County IOto <br />a Ions-term Instaflment <br />flnanclOg contract with a <br />third party who wlll pro- <br />vide the County wtth up <br />to $101.000.000 pursuant <br />to the terms of the long. <br />term lnstallment_flnanc- <br />lng contraet, which <br />llmount will be applied to <br />provide long-term. fi- <br />nancing. for the Prolect. <br />The County's obligations <br />to...y third party SUPPly- <br />ing short.term .or_long. <br />term flOlIiOc:ing are ll.U- <br />thorized by ~Orth caroli- <br />na General StaMes_ Sec- <br />tion 160A.20 and will be <br />secured by a lien upon Or <br />security Interest in all C!r <br />some portion of the ProJ- <br />ect and in the real prop. <br />ertY on which the Project <br />will be located. <br /> <br />The obligations of the <br />County under the Con. <br />tracts will not be deemed <br />to -be a pledge of the <br />faith and credit of:the <br />County - within the mean- <br />ing of any constitutional <br />debt Itmitatlon and the <br />Contracts will not direct. <br />Iy or Indlrectly- or contin- <br />gently obligate the _Coun_ <br />ty to make any payments <br />beyond those appropri- <br />ated in the sole discre- <br />tion of the County for <br />any fiscal year in which <br />the Contracts are In ef. <br />fect. No deficiency <br />judgment may be ren- <br />dered against the COl,lnty <br />in any action for breach <br />of the COntracts and the <br />taxing power of the <br />County is not and may. <br />not be pledged directly <br />or Indirectly or-contin- <br />gently to secure any <br />moneys due under the <br />Contracts. <br />PLEASE TAKE NOTICE <br />THAT THE BOARD WILL <br />HOLD A PUBlIC'HEARING <br />CONCERNING THE_ PLAN <br />OF fiNANCING AT 6:30 <br />P.M. ON MONDAY, NO- <br />VEMBER 20, 2006. IN THE <br />COMMISSIONERS' MEET- <br />ING ROOM IN THE CABA. <br />RRUS COUNTY GOVtRN- <br />MENTAL CENTER. CON- <br />CORD, NORTH CAROLI- <br />NA, AT WHICH ANY PER- <br />SON.'MAY BE HEARD <br />I CONCERNING THE PLAN <br />OF fiNANCING. ANY <br />PERSON WISHING TO <br /> IN WRITI~G <br />ON THE PLAN OF' FI- <br />NANCING MAY DO SO BY <br />DELIVERING SUCH COM- <br />MENTS TO THE UNDER- <br />SIGNEO AT 65 CHURCH <br />STREET SEt CONCORD. <br />NORTH CAROLINA. <br />28026, WITHIN 5 OAYS <br />FROM THE DATE OF PUB- <br />LICATION OF THIS NO- <br />TICE. <br /> <br />PamelaS.Dubo1s <br />FtnanceDlrector <br /> <br />'=- - :1.. <br />