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<br />-- -. L,L ............""J <br /> <br /> <br />from fea~~~~~' 8:fta 88lHlty federal and State appropriations and to adopt rules ftftti. <br />.rreg8lati6Bs under which payments are to be made in accordance with the provisions of this Part. <br />TIte B8B!eaefftl sitars Hiay 8s tIi'"llaea 8stv;eeft tfte St. ana die 86lmfies, in a :M8ftBSre8ftBiBtsffi <br />viidi die pr8"'~isi8BS af the feaSflK 888ittl 8eett.fl~ A8t, 8JL88t't dtftt tfte skare refllHrea tf8lfi tfte <br />86t1Bties :May B8t eX8eea the sftftfele~a Ham tfte Sftlte. If a 1'6ftl8B 8f die Bemeaerttl .9I1e:fe is <br />fell_ea HaHi ~ 86t1Rties, 1M 888ft1s 8f 88t1B~ 88l11f1lissi8Bef18 8f ~ se~;eftI:I 88t1ftties sftftR <br />Ie'!'.,., iml'8S8 Mttl 88He8t ~ ftmes lefltHrea ref die. 9I'e&ittl I'lIlJ'8Be 8f lfietH8ttl aSSiSQ8S a3 <br />I'f8TllaSa ifL this Part, in an tlftl8tlftt BttflieieBt t8 e87S1 saeH 88ttMy'S Bftare 6f 9tleH assistanse." <br />SECTION 3. This act becomes effective July 1, 2005. <br /> <br />http://www.nc1eg.netlSessions/2005IBills/SenateIHTML/Sl17vO.html <br /> <br />r-Jlf <br /> <br />2/13/2005 <br /> <br />