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<br /> <br />Finance Department <br /> <br />1 L List all additicnal ccsts expected tc be associated with this transacticn, including all <br />criginaticn and placement fees, ccunsel fees, and other relatedccsts and expenses. <br /> <br />12. Bids should be based on grcss funding of the project (withcut ccnsideration of investment <br />earnings). <br /> <br />13. The bid rate shculd be guaranteed fcr(at least sixty (60) days) frcm award by the Board of <br />Ccmmissioners. <br /> <br />The County reserves the right tc judgmentally select the successful bidder and the financing <br />arrangement that best meets the need of the Ccunty. The selection will be based heavily on the <br />absolute lcwest total cashflow out. The Ccunty will be prcvided a document package and an <br />amortization schedule detailing principal and interest costs fcr review. by cur ccunsel and the <br />LGC. The Ccunty reserves the right to accept .or rejectany crall bids. <br /> <br />Thecurrent General Obligaticn Debt ratings for the Ccunty are Mocdy's ~ Aa2, S & P = AA, <br />Fitch = AA, and NCMC = 88. . <br /> <br />The propcsals fcr the Ccunty will be received until 11:00 a.m. on February 1; 2005. At that <br />time, there will be a public opening .of the proposals. This .opening will be held in the Board of <br />Ccmmissioners Rcom, Governmental Center, 65 Church Street, SE, Conccrd, NC. If you need <br />any further information, pleaseccntact me at 704-920-2107. <br /> <br />. Sincerely, <br /> <br />Pamela S. DuBois <br />Deputy Ccunty Manager <br /> <br />cO. <br /> <br />. Finance Department <br />P.O. Box 707' Concord,NC 28026-0707' 704-920-2104' <br /> <br />~~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />NORTH CAROUNA <br /> <br /> <br />PSDlbc <br /> <br />~J~ <br />