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<br />court upholding this Agreement, whichever occurs later, and excepting the <br />parties' respective rights and obligations under this Agreement; Developer, on <br />behalf of itself and 'Developer'S partners officers, directors,employees, <br />agents, attorneys and consultants, hereby release Cabarrus County and Cabarrus <br />'County board members, officials, employees, agents, attorneys and consultants, <br />from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs. expenses of <br />whatever nature, whether known or unknown, and. whether liquidated or <br />contingent, arising on or before the date of this Agreement in connection with <br />the application, processing or approval of the pointe at St. Andrews <br />Subdivision Project. <br /> <br />4.6 State and Federal Law. The parties agree, intend and understand that the <br />obligations imposed by this Agreement are only such as are consistent with <br />state and federal law. The parties further agree that if any provision of this <br />Agreement becomes, in its performance, inconsistent with state or federal law <br />or is declared invalid. this Agreement shall be deemed amended to the extent <br />necessary to make it consistent with state or federal law, as the case may be, <br />and the balance.of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. <br /> <br />4.7 Enforcement. The parties to this Agreement recognize that, in addition <br />to other remedies that may be available, Cabarrus County has the right to <br />enforce its rules, pOliCies, regulations, ordinances, and the terms of this <br />Agreement by seeking an injunction to compel compliance with the terms of this <br />Agreement. In the event that Developer or any user on the subject property <br />violates the rules, policies, regulations or ordinances of Cabarrus County or <br />violates the terms of. this Agreement, Cabarrus County may, without seeking an <br />injunction and after ten (10) days' notice to correct the violation, take such <br />actions as shall be deemed appropriate under law until such conditions have <br />been honored by the Developer. Cabarrus County shall be free from any liability <br />arising out of' the exercise of its rights under ,this paragraph. <br /> <br />4.8 No Waiver. Failure of a party hereto to.exercise any right hereunder <br />shall not be deemed a, waiver of any such right and shall not affect the right <br />of such party to exercise at some future time said right or any other right it <br />may have hereunder. No officer, official or agent of Cabarrus County has the <br />power to amend, modify or alter this Agreement or waive any of its conditions <br />as to bind Cabarrus County by making any promise or representation not <br />contained herein. . . <br /> <br />4.9 Entire Agreement. Thi.s Agreement constitutes the entire agreement <br />between the parties a~d supersedes all prior agreements, whether oral or <br />written, covering the same subject matter. This Agreement may not be modified <br />or amended except in writing mutually agreed to and accepted by both parties to <br />this Agreement. <br /> <br />4.10 Attorneys Fees. Should any party hereto employ an attorney for the <br />purpose of enforcing this Agreement, or any judgment based on this Agreement, <br />for any reason or in any legal proceeding whatsoever, including insolvency, <br />bankruptcy, arbitration, declaratory relief or other litigation, including <br />appeals or rehearings, and whether or not an action has actually commenced, <br />each party shall be r,sponsible for their own attorneys' fees and all costs and <br />expenses,unless any judgment or final order be issued in that proceeding, <br />specifying otherwise., . <br /> <br />4.11 Notices. All notices hereunder shall be given in writing by.certified <br />mail, postage prepaid, at the following addresses: <br /> <br />Cabarrus County, P.O, Box 707, Concord, North Carolina 28026-0707 <br />Developer: 'P.O. Box 1111, Concord, North Carolina 28026-1111 <br /> <br />4.12 Applicable Law. This Agreement is entered into under and pursuant to, <br />and is to be construed and enforceable in accordance with, the laws of the <br />State of North Carolina. <br /> <br />4.13 Execution of Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in multiple parts <br />as originals or by facsimile copies of executed originalS; provided, however, <br />if executed and evideftce of execution is made by facsimile copy, then an <br />original shall be provided to the other party within seven (7) days of receipt <br />of said facsimile cop:y. ' <br /> <br />4.14 Hold Harmless. ~eveloper agrees to and shall hold Cabarrus County, its, <br />'.officers, agents, employees, consultants, special counsel and representatives <br />harmless from liability: (1) for damages, just compensation, restitution <br />judicial or equitable relief arising out of claims for personal injury, <br />including health,and claims for property damage which may arise from the <br /> <br />I=- -4 <br />