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<br />B) Dumpster Are~s. <br />- sited b~hlnd the rear wall of the building; <br />- enclosed with an opaque fence or wall that is at .Ieast 6 feet high; <br />- be loca~ed at least 100 feet from adjacent property lines. <br /> <br />C) Location. Use$ shall only be permitted on thoroughfares. <br /> <br />D) Landscaping. IUses shall meet all applicable landscaping standards in <br />Chapter 9 of th$ Zoning Ordinance. When occupying an existing structure <br />landscaping sh~1I be upgraded to meet these requirements. <br /> <br />E) Size of Property. The minimum property size shall be 2 acres. <br /> <br />F) Parking. Parkil\\g shall be place to the side and rear of the structure only <br />(parking shall not be placed between the structure and an adjacent <br />street). Parkin~ areas shall be screened from view of adjacent residential <br />properties uSin~ a level 3 buffer yard. <br /> <br />. P$rmanent parking areas used more than once per week <br />s~all be paved and meet all requirements of Chapter 10. <br />. P~rking used no more than once per week may meet the <br />e..;-ent parking standards of Chapter 10. <br /> <br />G) Architectural !compatibility. Due to the location of uses in residential <br />areas each prO!ectshall take into consideration architectural compatibility <br />with the surrounding area. Any side of a building with metal siding shall <br />be screened frQm view of adjacent properties and street rlght-of-ways. <br /> <br />In regards to architectural compatibility the Board of Adjustment shall <br />consider building height, bulk, articulation, fenestration, and exterior <br />building materi~ls to ensure that the proposed use would not detract from <br />the surroundin~ land uses or character of the neighborhood. <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />Section 4-23. Devel~pment standards. <br /> <br />Development standards required of the underlying zoning district shall be <br />applied In addition to iany provisions required by an approved conditional use <br />permit for any recreatio,nal use. <br /> <br />In addition, the following requirements shall be met: <br /> <br />A) Site Plan. An approved site plan as described In Part I, Chapter 12, if <br />required. <br /> <br />(6-\ <br />