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<br />Fire Prevention Ordinance <br />Revised 08/2002 <br /> <br /> <br />During this ban, no openfburning ahall be oonduoted at all within 100 .feet of a <br />structure; this includes[ any outdoor burning at residences. A civil citation <br />will be issued for violadions. <br /> <br />(2) A burning ban ,on outdoor burning within 100 feet of a struoture may <br />be issued by the Cabarrus County Fire Marshal's Offioe in the event that <br />_tmospberic conditions or local circumstance make such fire hazardous. <br /> <br />(3) Looal oonditio~s that may warrant a burning ban inolude, but are not <br />limited to: <br /> <br />(A) Flammabl.. and/or oombustible liquid spilla or leaks olose <br />to a burning site. <br /> <br />(B) A hazardoua materials inoident wbere the proximity of the <br />burn site could cause a possible ignition source or prove hazardous <br />to operations oontrolling the inoident. <br /> <br />(C) The proximity of adjaoent struotures or other auoh <br />hazards. <br /> <br />(4) In tbe event " burning ban is issued all permit holdera shall be <br />notified through the new, media that the permit is invalid and fires shall be <br />extinguished immediately; In oonjunotion with North Carolina Forest Servioe <br />burning ban tbe Cabarrua :County Fire Marshal's Offioeshall issue a burning ban <br />of all-open burning 100 feet of a struoture and all fires shall be <br />extinguished immediately'. The looal press shall be notified by tbe Fire <br />Marshal's Offioe that suah ban is in effeot and tbat no permits will be issued <br />until suoh ban is lifted ~d no open burning will be allowed. <br /> <br />(5) Any burning bati issued by the Fire Marshal's Offioe sball be repealed <br />in the same manner. <br /> <br />(f) EXtinguiahing illegal firea, nuisanoe burning, and fires when burning bans <br />are in effeot or all other fires that fall under this ordinance, the N. C, Fire <br />Code and tbe State regula~ions, <br /> <br />(1) The responding, fire department has the authority to extinguish any <br />fire tbat does not me~t this ordinanoe, the N. C, Fire Code and State <br />regulations which inoluqes but are not limited to i.1legal fires, nuisanoe <br />burning and fires wben burning bana are in effect. <br /> <br />(2) The Fire Marshal's Office or it's autborized representative bas the <br />autbority to extinguish 4DY fire that does not meet this ordinance, the N. C. <br />Fire Code and State regui.ations whicbincludea, but are not limited to illegal <br />fires and nuiaance burni*g and fires wben burning bans are in effeot. If any <br />citations are to be issu,d that fa.1.1 under this ordinance, it will be done by <br />the Fire Marshal's Office. <br /> <br />(3) The Fire Marah.l's Office or it's authorized representative does not <br />have to be preaent to oJ/der the extinguis.hment of the fire. If the owner or <br />person burning refusea t~ let tbe fire department extinguish the fire then the <br />fire department can bave tbe Fire Marshal's Office paged and a representative <br />from that offioe will resgond to aaaist the fire department. <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br />F-2.- <br />