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<br />for the following unless prior written approval separate from the Grantee's plan and <br />application is obtain~d from the NCDOCCJPP: a) purchase ofraw land or b )entertainmenl. <br /> <br />C. Personnel: All of the duties and services rendered or performed in the activity of this project <br />will be under the Gnlntee's supervision, and all personnel engaged in the work shall be fully <br />qualified and shall b, authorized or permitted under federal, state, and local law to perform <br />such services. Salary: and other compensation for county personnel engaged in the work shall <br />be based on established county personnel policies covering qualifications and development <br />and maintenance of jOb descriptions, and salaries shall be established in accordance with the <br />county's approved pay classification plan. <br /> <br />Personnel costs shall not be allowable as costs to be financed in whole Or in part with <br />this grant award, u*less the position or allowable cost thereof is specifically contained <br />within the narrativ~ portion of the application and the approved budget and then only <br />as to the cost there~ designated as approved. All increases in county personnel salaries <br />and other compen$ation must be iinplemented in accordance with the county's <br />personnel polices and pay classification plan, as approved by the Couoty Board of <br />Commissioners. DOcumentation of such increases shall be made available to the <br />NCDOCCJPP upo~ request. <br /> <br />D. Contracts for Prof~ssiooal Services: The Grantee assures that in any NCDOCCJPP <br />program or project requiring the procurement of contractual services a competitive bidding <br />or competitive negottation process will be used when appropriate and practical and when <br />required by law or by county policy. In all cases the Grantee shall sec.ure the most cost, <br />effective manner of providing services. In the case where the county opts not to use a <br />competitive process atld the cost of contractual services exceeds the range of typical rates for <br />such services in other' counties, the NCDOCCJPP may require the county to make a request <br />for proposals or utiliz~ competitive bidding before expending funds for contractual services. <br /> <br />Contracts shall contai~ information about the scope and costs of services tobe rendered and <br />the number of persons to be served. The Grantee shall draft service contracts according to <br />CJPP guidelines for proposed contracts, and the Grantee shall have the responsibility for <br />securing from CJPP $uch guidelines before entering into contracts for services. <br /> <br />A copy of the proppsed contrad must be submitted for consideration during the <br />NCDOCCJPP revie'iV of the Grantee's plan or application. No funds may be expended <br />for contract agreem~nts until such contracts are received and approved as a part of the <br />grant application process. <br /> <br />E. Insurance and Indemnification: Grant funds may not be committed for insurance or <br />indemnification experises unless the Grantee's plan and application demonstrate that a) types <br />and extent and cost o!f coverage will be in accordance with local government policy and <br />sound business practi$e and b) costs will not be charged for contributions to a reserve for a <br />self-insurance prograjrn. Grant funds may not be requested by the Grantee if any <br />expenditures are to bF made for insurance or indemnification costs for which the above <br /> <br />'Page 8---July I, 200510 June 30, 2006 <br />