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December 15, 2003 <br /> <br />Page 307 <br /> <br />amend <br /> <br /> 5. Economic Development, Inc. will fu_~nlsh the Cabarrus Cou~tyManager <br />w~th quarterly financial statements, prepared by a Certified Public <br />Accountant in accordance wlth generally acceptable accounting practices, will <br />undergo an at, ual audit of Ars operations conducted by a Certified P~bllc <br />Accountant, a~d wail submit a copy of the report of this audit to the Co~ty <br />Menager within one hundred twenty (120) days of the conclusion of Economic <br />Development, Inc.'s established fiscal year. <br /> <br /> 6. Economic Development, Inc. wall prepare and delayer a proposed <br />detalled annual marketing plan to the Cabarrus County Manager by Aprll 1, <br />2004 and by ~ril I of each year thereafter while ~hls Agreement ls In force. <br />The annual marketing plan is sub3ect to review, m~dlfloatlon and approval by <br />the Cabarrus County Board of Concessioners. Econc~nlc Development, Inc. <br />provide a written quarterly report to the Cabarrus County Manager on the <br />lm~lementatzon of the marketxng plan and its other economic development <br />aotAvltles, and lts President wall meet with the County Manager as necessary <br />to discuss the quarterly report. Economic Development, Inc. w111 maks <br />Board me~bers a~d its Presldent avaAlable to make presentatAons to, meet <br />wAth, and answer questlons posed by, the Cabarrus County Board of <br />Cormm~ssioners as requested and as necessary to keep the Board of <br />Conm~ssloners lnformed about the actAvltles of Economic Development, Inc. <br /> <br /> 7. gconon=c Development, Inc. agrees to hold the County harmless for <br />any and all llabllAty, damages or claims, including attorney's fees, that <br />might be asserted or suffered by the County as a result of any act or <br />omission of any of Bconon~%c Development, Inc.'s offlcers, employees, agents <br />or representatives arislng out of this contract. <br /> <br /> 8. Thls Agreement ~ay be terminated by either party for default upon <br />three (3) months prior wrztten hOrAce to the other party, but only after <br />hav~ng glvan the other party wrAtten notice of the specmfic event of default <br />and adequate time to cure the default, but in no circumstances less than <br />thirty (30) days In which to cure the default. An event of default is any <br />~aterlal deviation from the ter~ of thls Agreement, lncludlng, but not <br />limited to, failure of Economic Development, Inc. to provlde its draft annual <br />marketing plan as required, failure of Economic Development, Inc. to submit <br />the quarterly financAal and operational reports to the County Manager, <br />failure to Implement the annual marketing plan, and making expenditures <br />for purposes not authorAzed by the budget of Economic Development, Inc. <br /> <br /> 9. Economic Development, Inc. will establish s Business Retention and <br />Expansion Program, described more fully ~n the annual marketing plan. An <br />average of thirty (30) face-to-face contacts per month with owners (or h~gh <br />level eKecutlves} of businesses located in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> 10. Economlc Development, Inc. will develop, An collaboration with <br />representatlves from Cabarrus County, the ~unAclpalltles wAthln Cabarrus <br />County, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, and the Cabarrus RegAonal Chamber <br />Of Conm~erce, a written, comprehensAve Program of Economic Development (PED). <br />The PED shall, among other thAngs, ldentlfy goals and strategAes; deflne <br />roles and expectatAons of each of the organAzatlons; ensure ooordlnatlon of <br />efforts; provAde for regular contact among the organlzatAons to review <br />current actxvltAes and projects and plan enhancement of future efforts. <br />O~her organ/zatlons may be ~ncluded Af desAred. Development of the PED shall <br />begin wl~hfn forty-five (45) days of the execution of this agreement. <br /> <br /> 11. Economic Development, Inc. shall raAse, from prlvate sources, a <br />minimum of $110,000 in the flrst year of thls agreement to assist in funding <br />the PPD. It shall false, also fr~nprlvate sources, a mlm~m of $150,000 in <br />the second year of the agreement to asslst 11% funding the PED. <br /> <br /> IN TE~TIMONYNHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agree~nent to be duly <br />executed by thexr authormzed offAcers pursuant to resolutions adopted In <br />accordance wlth law. <br /> Cabaxrtls Economic Development, Inc. <br /> By: <br />ATTEST: President <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County <br /> By: <br />ATTEST: County Manager <br /> <br />Clerk <br /> <br />This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local <br />Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. <br />Date: By: <br /> County Finance Off~cer <br /> <br />Conunlssloner Carruth made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter, to <br />Paragraph 11 of the Agreement to read as follows: <br /> <br />Economic Development, Inc. shall ralse from private sources the <br />funds necessary to fund the marketing plan at 100 percent level in <br />the initial and subsequent year of the program. Any additional <br />funds raised through the fund ralslng efforts will be utilized <br />wholly for the purpose of offsetting future marketlng needs of <br />Economic Development, Inc. and not used to supplant any publlc <br />· nvestment in the program. <br /> <br /> <br />