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C~b~-um-Sou~h Rowmn IMPO (?~4)78G-S718 0i/1S/04 ll:lOA P.802 <br /> <br />CABARRUS- ROWAN URBAN AREA <br />MI~'TROPOL. I'~^N PLANNINO ORGANI~TION <br /> <br />CABARRUS COUN'*I'Y · CHINA GROve" · CLEVELAND · CONCORD · GRANITE I~UARRY · HARRISBURG · <br /> Nove~,~O~UN¥ PL~ASAN¥ · ROCKWELL · ROWAN COUNYY · SALISBURY · 5PI~ICER <br /> <br />KANNAPOM5 <br /> <br />Mr. John Day, Manager <br />C;~a~us County <br />P. O, Box 707 <br />Concord, No~ Caroline 28026 <br /> <br />°o <br /> <br />SUBJECT: 2004 appointment to ~ Tmnspmthtion Advisory Committee (TAC) and the <br />TeChnical Com~kmlMII Conmtntae ~TGC) of the Gaban'us/Rowan Uman Ama Mea'opoamn <br />Planning Oq~ankation (MPO) <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Day, <br /> <br />Each year the North Carolina Depa~enent of Transportation ~NCDOT) mquin~ tho MPO to eUl~ly a <br />list of cun~nt TAC and TCC rel~eeenta~ves along wilh their alternates. At present, Com~ner <br />Carolyn Carpenter is thc appoi~ member and Commb~ioner Coy Privetl= servia ~m the all=mate <br />to represent Cabarrus County, on the TAC. Mike Byrd is currently the TCC representative with <br />Rodger Lenlz being the alternate. Please notify the MPO of your changes t~ the TAC representathm. <br />as well as the TCC (s~df) appointee. The TAC and TCC appointees should be able to atlend <br />quarte~y mee0nge and al~o pa~cipal~ on regional IransporlaUon planning oommlltees. Atlmldance <br />at lhe meetings ia c~tical to the success of our planning efforts and to I~ng information back to their <br />i~spe~lve oommunltle$. <br /> <br />Please provide currant contact information for these individuals to include mailing address, <br />~phgn~, fa~ numbem and e-mail address. Please notify Ca~nnie Ounningham et the ORMPO offk;e <br />listed below, of the appointed membem by ~al3~/:Y_5.~.Z0.~. A summary do=ument of the CRMPO is <br />attac;hed for additional information. <br /> <br />Thank you for your attention to this matter. <br /> <br />Mike Ndnn. AICP. MPO Director, <br />Cabaffus,Rowan Urban Ama MPO <br /> <br />Enclosures <br /> <br />135 CAB~RRUS AV~'NUZ E.~ST · SUITE 101 <br /> <br />· CONCORD. NC <br /> <br />· PHONE 704.795.7528 <br /> <br />· FAX 704.795.7529 <br /> <br /> <br />