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Cabarrur County Parks ant/t~ecreation Pepartrnen! <br />P.O. Box 707, Concord, NC 28026-0707 <br /> <br />MA TCttlN8 INCE TIItE t?A T PROJ_ECT NAt?I?ATIIIE <br /> <br />Fiscal Year 2004 - 2005 <br /> <br />Attachment B <br /> <br />The PROJECT NARRATIVE gives the applicant an opportunity to describe and justify the need for the <br />project being proposed, descdbe the levels of public involvement, citizens served, and planning and <br />operation/maintenance for the proposed project. Please provide concise but detailed explanations for each <br />section, using the section headings listed below. Include the information from the Scodng Sheet in <br />narrative. <br /> <br />Title it: PROJECT NARRATIVE FOR (PROJECT NAME) <br /> <br />Project Description <br />Describe the project by listing the new, additional and/or renovated recreation facilities and support <br />facilities that will be provided if the grant is awarded. <br />· Will this project provide the first recreation facility built with grant funding? <br />· Why is the project needed? <br />· What is the project designed to accomplish? <br />· Who will the project serve (clientele and area)? <br />· If the project includes renovation, justify the renovation, such as the age of the facility or <br /> overuse. <br />· If applicable, explain the need for land acquisition. <br /> <br />Project Planning <br />Describe all planning efforts and methods used to identify the need for this project. <br />· How were priorities established? <br />· Does this project correspond to the Livable Community Blueprint? <br /> <br />Public Involvement <br />Describe how community citizens have been involved in developing plans for the proposed project <br />and the level of public support for the project. Consider public meetings for di. scussing the project, <br />presentations to civic/community groups. Attach a copy of minutes or support documentation. <br /> <br />m <br /> <br />Operation and Maintenance <br />Describe who will be responsible for the development, operation, programming and maintenance of <br />the site upon completion. Attach an Maintenance Agreement. <br /> <br />Citizens Served <br />To what extent will persons with disabilities be served by the proposed project? Is the project <br />designed to meet or exceed the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines? <br /> <br /> <br />