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Bank of America. <br /> <br />~u~or n~mc~. Nx crm~-~ <br /> <br />Certified Copy of Unincorporated Association Resolutions <br />Openin~ and Maintainin~ Deposit Accounts and Services <br /> <br />Name of Unmcorpomted Association County of Cabarrus <br /> <br />I, thc undersigned, hereby certify to BANK OF AMERICA <br />that I am the ~a~y~-~n~ry and the designated keeper of the records and minutes of <br /> <br />County of Cabarrus <br /> <br />an unincorporated association whose principal address is in the State of N O r th C a r o 1 i n a (thc "Association"); that I have full authority <br />to manage, represent, sign for and bind the Association, that the following is a true copy of resolutions duly adopted by the guvemmg body of said Association at a <br />meeting duly held on the 1 7 day of May , at winch a quorum was present and acted throughout or adopted by the unammous <br />written consent of the governing body; and that such resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been amended or rescmded. <br /> <br />I. Resolved, that Bank of America (the "Bank") ~s hercby designated <br />as a depesatory of the Association and that deposit accounts and/or time deposits (CDs) be opened and maintained in the name of tins Assocmtion with the Bank in <br />accordance with the terms of the Bank's Deposit Agreement and Disclosures and the applicable roles and regulations for such accounts; that any one of the <br />following Authorized P. epresentat~ves of this Association: <br /> <br />Pamela S. Dubois Deputy Co. Mqr./Finance Director <br />Name Title <br />Robert M. Freeman Chairman, Board of Commissioners <br />Name Title <br /> <br />Name Title <br />Name Title <br /> <br />~s hereby authorized, on behalf of this Assoctation and in its name, to execute and to sign any application, deposit agreement, signature card and any other <br />documentation required by thc Bank to open smd accounts; to sign checks, drafts, notes, bills of exchange, acceptances, t~me deposits (CDs) or other orders for <br />payment of money; to endorse checks, drafts, notes, bills, time deposits (CDs) or other instruments owned or held by this Associatton for deposit with Bank or for <br />collection or discount by thc Bank; to accept drafts, acceptances, and other instruments payable at thc Bank; to place orders with thc Bank for the purchase and sale <br />of foreign curreuc~es on behalf of this Association; to execute and deliver an electronic fund transfers agreement and to make transfers or w~thdrawals by electromc <br />transfer on behalf of the Association; to obtain an access device (including but not lunited to a card, code, or other means of access to the Association's accounts) <br />that may be used for thc purpose of imtiating electronic fund transfers [Association agrees and acknowledges that neither the Electromc Funds Transfer Act (15 <br />U S.C. 1693 et seq) nor Regulation E (12 C.F.R. Part 205) are applicable to any such access device]; to establish and maintain a night deposit relationship; to <br />execute and deliver a w~re transfer agreement and to request, or to appoint or delegate from tune to time such persons who may request, wu'es of funds; to enter rote <br />any agreements with thc Bank for thc provision by the Bank of various Treasury Management services to this Association as such Authorized Representative may <br />determine, m [ns or her sole discretion, and to s~gn any and all documents and take all actions required by Bank relative to such Treasury Management services or <br />the performance of thc Association's obligations thereunder, and that any such Treasur~ Management agreement(s) shall remain m full force and effect untd written <br />notice to terminate g~ven in accordance with the terms of any such agreement shall have bean received by thc Bank and that such tcnmnatton shall not affect any <br />aetxon taken by the Bank prior to such termination; to rent or lease a safe deposit box from thc Bank, to execute the rantal agreement or lease, to enter thc safe <br />depostt box and to terminate the rental agreement or lease; to take whatever other actions or enter rote whatever other agreements relating to the accounts or <br />investment of funds in such accounts with the Bank and to execute, amend, supplement and dehver to Bank such agreements on behalf of the Association upon such <br />terms and conditions as such Authorized Representative may deem appropriate and to appoint and delegate, from time to time, such person(s) who may be <br />authorized to enter rote such agreements and take any other actions pursuant to such agreements m counect~on with said accounts that the Authorized Representative <br />deems necessary; and to wmve presentment, demand, protest, and notice of protest or dishonor of any check, note, bdl, draft, or other instrument made, drawn or <br />endorsed by this Associatton; and <br /> <br />2. Further Resolved, that the Bank be and ~s hereby authorized to honor, receive, certtfy, pay or exchange for money orders or other instruments all instruments <br />signed in accordance with the foregoing resolutions even though such payment may create an overdratt or even though such instruments may be drawn or endowed to the <br />order of any Authorized Representative signing the same or tendered by such Authorized Representative or a thud party for exchange or cashing, or m payment of the <br />ind~vidual obligation of such Authortzed Representative, or for deposit to such Authorized Representative's personal account and Bank shall not be required or be under <br />any obligation to mquue as to the circmnstances of the issuance or use of any instrument signed in accordance with the foregoing resolutions or the application or <br />d~sposmon of such insttument or the proceeds thereof; and, further, that the Bank is authorized to honor any instructions regarding withdrawals, orders for payment or <br />transfer of funds whether oral, by telephone or electronic means if such withdrawal, orders or transfer are untlat~d by an Authorized Representative; and <br /> <br />3 Further Resolved, that thc Bank be and is hereby requested, authorized and directed to honor and to treat as authorized, checks, drafts or other orders for <br />the payment of money chawn or purportedly drawn in this Assoc~atlun's name, including those payable to thc mdiwdual order of any person whose name appears <br />thereon as signer thereof, when bearing or purporting to bear thc facsimile signature of an Authorized Representative authorized in the foregoing resolutions and <br />Bank shall be entitled to honor, to treat as authorized, and to charge this Association for such checks, draft.s, or other orders regardless of by whom or by what means <br />thc actual or purported facsimile signature thereon may have been affixed thereto, tf such signature resembles the facsmulc specimen duly certified to or filed with <br />the Bank by thc Secretary or Assistant Secretary or other officer or an Authorized Representative of this Association or ff such facsmnlc signature resembles any <br />facsimile signature previously affixed to any check, draR, or other order drawn m the Associatton's name, which check, draft, or other order was accepted and paid <br />w~thout timely objection by thc Association, thereby ratifying the use of such facsimile signature; and thc Association hcreby indemnifies and holds thc Bank <br />harmless against any and all loss, cost, damage or expense suffered or incurred by thc Bank arising out of or in any way related to the misuse or unlawful or <br />unauthorized use by a person of such facsmule signature; and <br /> <br />00-14-9011MW 06-1999 <br /> <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br /> <br />