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prohtbiting co-location shall not be a vahd basis for any claim of Commercial Impracncability or <br />hardship. <br /> <br />D) <br /> <br />Notwtthstanding the above, the County may approve any site located within an area ~n the above <br />hst of priorities, provided that the County finds that the proposed site is in the best interest of the <br />health, safety and welfare of the County and its inhabitants and will not have a deleterious effect <br />on the nature and character of the community and neighborhood. <br /> <br />E) <br /> <br />The Apphcant shall submit a written report demonstrating the Applicant's review of the above <br />locations ~n order of priority, demonstrating the technological reason for the site selection. If <br />appropriate, based on selecting a site of lower priority, a detatled written explanation as to why <br />sites of a higher priority were not selected shall be included with the Application. <br /> <br />F) Notwithstanding that a potential site may be situated in an area of highest priority or highest <br /> available priority, the County may disapprove an Application for any of the following reasons. <br /> <br />1) Conflict with safety and safety-related codes and requirements; <br />2) Conflmt wtth the h~storic nature or character of a neighborhood or historical district; <br />3) The use or construction of W~reless Telecommunications Facilmes which is contrary to <br /> an already stated purpose of a spemfic zoning or land use designation; <br />4) The placement and location of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities which would <br /> create an unacceptable risk, or the reasonable probabihty of such, to residents, the <br /> public, employees and agents of the County, or employees of the service provider or <br /> other service providers; <br />5) Conflicts with the provisions of this Ordinance. <br /> <br />Section 8. Shared use of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities and <br />other structures. <br /> A) The County, as opposed to the construction of a new Tower, shall prefer locating on existing <br /> Towers or others structures w~thout increasing the height. The Applicant shall subma a <br /> comprehensive report inventorying existxng Towers and other suitable structures within four (4) <br /> miles of the location of any proposed new Tower, unless the Applicant can show that some other <br /> distance is more reasonable and demonstrate conclusively why an exiting Tower or other suitable <br /> structure can not be used. <br /> <br />B) An Applicant intending to locate on an existing Tower or other suitable structure shall be <br /> required to document the intent of the ex~sting owner to permit its use by the Applicant. <br /> <br />c) <br /> <br />Such shared use shall consist only of the mimmum Antenna array technologically reqmred to <br />provide service primarily and essentially within the County, to the extent practmable, unless <br />good cause is shown. <br /> <br />Section 9. Height of Telecommunications Tower(s). <br /> A) The Applicant shall submit documentation justifying the total height of any Tower, Facdity <br /> and/or Antenna and the basis therefore. Such documentation will be analyzed in the context of <br /> the justification of the height needed to provide service primarily and essentially within the <br /> County, to the extent practicable, unless good cause is shown. <br /> <br />B) No Tower constructed after the effective date of this Ordinance, including allowing for all <br /> attachments, shall exceed that height which shall permit operation without required artificial <br /> <br />Last Rewsion: 10/27/03 <br />CMS Confidential & Proprietary <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br /> <br />