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B) <br /> <br />An Applicant shall deposit with the County funds sufficient to reimburse the County for all <br />reasonable costs of consultant and expert evaluation and consultation to the County tn <br />connection with the rewew of any Application including the construction and modfficatmn of the <br />site, once permitted. The initial deposit shall be $8,500.00. The placement of the $8,500 with the <br />County shall precede the pre-application meeting. The County will mmntain a separate escrow <br />account for all such funds. The County's consultants/experts shall invoice the County for its <br />services in reviewing the Application, including the construction and modification of the site, <br />once permitted. If at any time during the process this escrow account has a balance less than <br />$2,500.00, the Applicant shall immediately, upon notification by the County, replenish said <br />escrow account so that it has a balance of at least $5,000.00. Such additional escrow funds shall <br />be deposited with the County before any further action or consideration is taken on the <br />Apphcat~on. In the event that the amount held in escrow by the County ~s more than the amount <br />of the actual tnvoicing at the conclusion of the project, the remaining balance shall be promptly <br />refunded to the Apphcant. <br /> <br />c) <br /> <br />The total amount of the funds needed as set forth in subsection (B) of this section may vary w~th <br />the scope and complexity of the project, the completeness of the Application and other <br />~nformat~on as may be needed to complete the necessary review, analys~s and inspection of any <br />construction or modfficatlon. <br /> <br />Section 15. Exceptions from a Conditional Use Permit for Wireless <br /> Telecommunications Facilities. <br /> A) No Person shall be permitted to site, place, build, construct, modify or prepare any site for the <br /> placement or use of, Wireless Telecommunications Facilities as of the effective date of this <br /> Ordinance w~thout having first obtained a Conditional Use Permit for Wireless <br /> Telecommumcations Facilities. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in th~s section, no <br /> Conditional Use Permit shall be reqmred for those non-commercial exceptions noted in the <br /> defimt~on of Wireless Telecommumcations Facilities. <br /> <br />B) <br /> <br />All Wireless Telecommunications Facilities existing on or before the effective date of this <br />Ordtnance shall be allowed to continue as they presently exist, provided however, that any <br />v~s~ble modification of an existing Wireless Telecommunications Facility must comply w~th this <br />Ordinance. <br /> <br />Section 16. Public Hearing and Notification Requirements. <br /> A) Prior to the approval of any Application for a Conditional Use Permit for a new tower, a public <br /> heanng shall be held by the County, notme of which shall be published in the official newspaper of <br /> the County no less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the pubhc heanng. In <br /> order that the County may notify nearby landowners, the Application shall contain the names and <br /> address of all landowners whose property ~s located within fifteen hundred (1500) feet of any <br /> property line of the lot or parcel on which the new Wireless Telecommunications Fatalities are <br /> proposed to be located <br /> <br />B) <br /> <br />There shall be no public hearing required for an application to co-locate on an existing tower or <br />other structure, as long as there is no proposed increase in the height of the Tower or structure, <br />including attachments thereto. <br /> <br />Last Rews~on: 10/27/03 <br />CMS Confidential & Proprietary <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br /> <br />