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5) If the Wireless Telecommunications Facilities have been moved, re-located, rebuilt,, or <br /> otherwise visibly modified, then whether the County approved such action, and under <br /> what terms and conditions, and whether those terms and conditions were complied with; <br />6) That the Wireless Telecommunications Facilmes are in compliance with the Condittonal <br /> Use Permit and compliance with all applicable codes, Laws, rules and regulations; <br />7) Re-certification that the Tower and attachments both are designed and constructed and <br /> continue to meet all local, County, State and Federal structural requirements for loads, <br /> including wind and ice loads. Such recertification shall be by a Professional Engineer <br /> licensed in the State, the cost of whmh shall be borne by the Applicant. <br /> <br />B) <br /> <br />If, after such review, the County determines that the permitted Wireless Telecommumcations <br />Fatalities are in compliance with the Conditional Use Permit and all applicable statutes, laws, <br />local laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, then the County shall issue a recertification <br />of the Conditional Use Permit for the Wireless Telecommumcations Facilities, which may <br />~nclude any new provisions or conditions that are mutually agreed upon, or that are required by <br />apphcable statutes, laws, ordinances, codes, rules or regulations. If, after such review ~t ~s <br />determtned that the permitted Wireless Telecommumcations Facilities are not in compliance with <br />the Conditional Use Permit and all applicable statutes, laws, ordinances, codes, rules and <br />regulations, then the County may refuse to issue a recertification Conditional Use Permit for the <br />Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, and in such event, such Wireless Telecommunications <br />Famhties shall not be used after the date that the Applicant receives written notice of the demsion <br />by the County unttl such t~me as the Factlity is brought ~nto compliance. Any decision reqmnng <br />the cessation of use of the Famhty or imposing a penalty shall be in writing and supported by <br />substantial ewdence contained in a written record and shall be promptly provided to the owner of <br />the Fatality. <br /> <br />c) <br /> <br />If the Apphcant has submitted all of the information requested and reqmred by this Ordinance, <br />and if the rewew ~s not completed, as noted ~n subsection (B) of this section, prior to the five (5) <br />year anniversary date of the Conditional Use Permit, or subsequent five year anniversaries, then <br />the Apphcant for the permitted Wireless Telecommunications Facilities shall receive an <br />extension of the Conditional Use Permit for up to s~x (6) months, in order for the completion of <br />the review. <br /> <br />D) <br /> <br />If the holder of a Conditional Use Permit for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities does not <br />subma a request for recertificat~on of such Conditional Use Permit w~th~n the timeframe noted ~n <br />subsection (A) of th~s section, then such Conditional Use Permit and any authortzat~ons granted <br />thereunder shall cease to exist on the date of the fifth anniversary of the original granting of the <br />Conditional Use Permit, or subsequent five year anniversaries, unless the holder of the <br />Conditional Use Permit adequately demonstrates that extenuating c~rcumstances prevented a <br />timely recertfficat~on request. If the County agrees that there were legitimately extenuating <br />circumstances, then the holder of the Conditional Use Permit may submit a late recertificatton <br />request or Apphcat~on for a new Conditional Use Permit. <br /> <br />Section 19. Extent and Parameters of Conditional Use Permit for <br /> Wireless Telecommunications Facilities. <br />The extent and parameters of a Conditional Use Permit for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities shall <br />be as follows: <br /> <br />1) Such Conditional Use Permit shall be non-exclusive; <br /> <br />Last Rews~on, 10/27/03 <br />CMS Confidential & Proprietary <br /> <br />14 <br /> <br /> <br />