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and PPI acknowledge that subsequent to December 2003, PPI advised <br /> <br />the County of its plans to greatly expand its initially <br />contemplated County investments and employment commitments, which <br />resulted in further d~scussions and negotiations with the County. <br /> <br />PPI and the County acknowledge and agree certain specific terms in <br />this Agreement are unique and negotiated between the parties to <br />accommodate PPI's substantially Increased financial investments <br />and employment commitments to the County and are therefore <br />conflict with certain terms and conditions of the Program. <br /> <br />Therefore, PPI and the County agree that to the extent certain <br />terms and conditions of this Agreement conflict with specific <br />terms and conditions of the Program, the terms and conditions of <br />this Agreement shall control. Furthermore, the County and PPI <br />agree that in consideration for the County's willingness to <br />negotiate special and unique grant terms to achieve PPI's <br />Increased level of investment and local employment commitments <br />within the County, as well as to accommodate the timing of PPI's <br />plant construction and expansion schedule, unless specifically <br />agreed to otherwise in writing by the County, PPI understands and <br />agrees that upon execution of this Agreement, PPI shall not be <br />eligible for any other County incentive grant or similar County <br />programs for a per~od of at least seven years beginning with the <br />~n~tlal grant year hereunder. <br /> ............ ---~Im'~l~l:¶ <br /> ~. Cabarrus Ec0nomi~ Development, -I~c. i"EDC") has <br />reviewed PPI's application for inclusion in the Program, and EDC's <br />overview is attached as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. <br /> <br /> 7. PPI has determined that a site in the Town off Highway <br />49 ("Site"), which Site is more fully described in Exhibit C <br />attached, is a suitable location for the placement of the above- <br />described new real property facilities and personal property <br />investments and perhaps other investments. <br /> <br /> 8. To induce PPI to locate the above referenced new real <br />property facilities and personal property investments at the Site <br />and to assist PPI in such activity, the County has offered <br />incentives to PPI consistent with the Pro~ram and as more <br />particularly described below. <br /> <br /> In consideration of the above Recitals and the Terms below <br />and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and <br />sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the County and PPI <br />do a~ree as follows. <br /> <br /> <br />