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(b) <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />occupancy must be issued and production must begin for <br />Phase I Improvements (defined below) within eighteen <br />(18) months following full execution of this Agreement. <br /> <br /> PPI represents to the County that Phase I Improvements <br /> will result in ~n annual average of additional new <br /> permanent full-time jobs at the Sit~, with ~*'~'e~'-,,' ,,,',',' <br /> annual wage of per hour, as determined by North~ ,",,i,, <br /> Carolina payroll records. <br /> <br />Phase I~. Duriq~_ ~ase I~, PPI commits to ~nstallin~-'i~;' <br />additional new Personal Property in ~h~-Phase I Facility... <br />a__q an additional minimum ~axable ~nvestment of Eight. <br />Million Dollars ($8,00~,000). {~he .,?base. ~i_. ~9~soqa1 <br />Property'). PPI represents to the County that the <br />addition of the Phase II Personal Property ~1 rps~l~..'" <br />in an annual average of additional new permanent <br />full-time jobs at the Site w~th an averaqe annual wage .'. <br />of per hour, as determined by North Carolina payroll <br />records. <br /> <br />Phase ~II. During Phase III, PPI commits to construct <br />additional new facility on the S~te and/or an addition :, i.:, <br />to the Phase I Facility. This new facility shall serve <br />as a distribution facility totaling an additional '~ <br />minimum 450,000 square feet (the "Phase III Facility"). '..: <br />The in~tial minimum taxable investment of the Phase III <br />Facility shall be Thirteen Million Five Hundred Thousand <br />Dollars ($13,500,000). Furthermore, during Phase III, <br />PPI will also ~ns~all additional new Personal Property <br />a~ the Phase I Facility and/or Phase II Facility at a <br />minimum taxable investment of an additional Seven <br />Million Dollars ($7,000,00~) (the ~p~..~II Personal <br />Property". (The Phase III Facility and the ~'"i'fi'~, <br />Personal Property may be collectively referred to as <br />"Phase III Improvements".) PPI represents to the County <br /> <br />that the addition of the Phase III Improvements will <br /> <br />result iq an annual average of additional new <br />permanent full-time jobs at the Sit~ with an average~""-.. <br /> <br /> D~letmd: <br /> <br /> D~l~md:. <br /> <br /> FormmttmJ: Indent: Lefb 0.52" <br /> <br />~ Formmt~md: Bullets and Numbenng <br />· D~lm,md: _~ <br /> <br /> Delet~l: construct an <br /> <br />additional new facility on <br />the Site and/or an addition <br /> <br />[~[et~d:. This new facility <br />shall 8ez'~re as a <br />distribution facility <br />totaling <br /> <br />Pel~: square feet <br /> <br />D~|~(lld: III Facility"). The <br />initial minimum taxable <br />investment of the Phase <br />Facility shall be Thirteen <br />Million Five Hundred <br />Thousand Dollars <br />($13,500,000). Furthermore, <br />during Phase III, PPI will <br />also install additional new <br />Personal Property at the <br />Phase I Facility and/or <br />Phase II Facility at a <br />minimum taxable investment <br />of an additional Seven <br />Million Dollars ($7,000,000) <br />the "Phase I <br /> <br />D~II~K~:", (The Phase III <br /> <br />Facility and the Phase <br /> <br />D~leted:mey be collectively <br />referred to as "Phase III <br />Improvements'.) PPI <br />represents to the Coun~ <br />FormattmJ: Bulle~ and Numbering <br /> <br />D~l~t~: IV__~. During Phas~ <br />D~%t~d: .) PPI represents to <br /> <br />DeJs~d: County that the~ <br />D~eted: xv <br /> <br />(d) <br /> <br />annual wage of per hour, as determined by North "-.. <br />Carolina payroll records. ' <br />Phase I~.~ ~uri~___~se' ~¥,~ ._~p~_ ~q.mmi~_~ .~o..~...~_~.~9~*..* <br />of additional new Personal Property at the Site ~n..~..' <br />additional minimum taxable investment ~_.~y~_ ~-~-.i <br />Dollars ($7,000,00.0~_.~PI. ~p~pen~9 90..t~9 _~9__un_~y..t.h~...' <br />the addition of the Phase ~V Personal Property will '-.. <br />result iq an annual average of additional new <br /> <br />Formatted: Bullets and Numbenng <br /> <br />Formatted: Underline <br /> <br />Deleted: the <br /> <br />Deleted: ~or <br /> <br />~: at the Site <br /> <br />DeJetmd: ). <br /> <br />Deleted: _ <br /> <br /> <br />