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A deviation from strict standards is to be presented within the regular subdivision review <br />process, becoming both a part of the written record and also, receiving approval from the <br />subdivision approving body, the Cabarrus County Planning & Zoning Commission. Again, <br />a deviation will be considered the exception rather than the rule and accordingly, be <br />authorized only when the evidence is overwhelmingly in its favor. <br /> <br /> k/I.g. [,JI V~./'.,.,ll]/ IIIIJ./Ik,.,lll%,.,I I{,. I..l I'..,, J./Ik,.k,..k.~.lll I~jl I. Iik.. Ik,/llglYVlll'.,.J I.k,~^%. [.,llllk~lll. llllk,.lll. Vyt, Jl..llrl..t to <br /> <br />Zoning Ordinance:Section 10. Penalties <br /> <br />Failure to meet the requirements of Cabarrus County Subdivision Regulations, specifically, <br />Section 66-105, 'l~ming of Recreational Improvements, may result in the cessation of the <br />issuance of zoning compliance permits for the remainder of a subdivision. Tssuance of <br />zoning compliance permits may begin al~er the requirements of the section are met as <br />determined by the Zoning Administrator. In addition, the County may withhold approval <br />of additional final plats within the development until the requirements of this section are <br /> <br />met. <br /> <br />AR-T4GAE-VCHAPTER 6. LEGAL PROVISIONS <br /> <br />Section 66--1-t~:!.. Separability <br /> <br />Tf any portion, clause or sentence of this ordinance shall be determined to be invalid or <br />unconstitutional, such declaration of invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of <br />this ordinance. <br /> <br />Section 55-I~-02. Re-enactment and repeal of existing subdivision ordinance <br /> <br />The provision in part carries forward by re-enactment some of the provisions of the <br />Subdivision Ordinance of the County of Cabarrus initially adopted on October 5, :[978 and <br />effective November 1, 1978 and subsequent revisions and updates. [t is not the intention <br />to repeal, but rather to re-enact and continue in force such existing provisions so that all <br />rights and liabilities that have accrued there under are preserved and may be enforced. <br /> <br />All provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance, which are not re-enacted herein are hereby <br />repealed. All suits at law for inequity and/or all prosecutions resulting from the violation <br />of any subdivision ordinance heretofore in effect, which are now pending in any of the <br /> <br /> <br />