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PLAN COM2V[ENTS: <br />Cl Unless developer has prior authorization from appropriate federal and state author/ties to anpact waters or wetlands, the proposed <br /> project vall be m violation federal and/or state law. Permits for disturbance of streams and other wetlands must be requested from <br /> N C. Division of Water Quality and U. S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to any impacts. <br />[] This project is within a hydrological umt (HU) included m the North Carolina Wetland Restoratmn Program's Upper Rocky lhver <br /> Watershed Plan area. Every effort should be made to use best management practices to prevent water quality m~_pairment. The <br /> erosion and sedunentation control plan for ths site should be followed closely once it has been submitted and approved. <br /> Impacts of stormwater from this proposed project on water quality and water quantity have not been assessed. <br /> The following soil is classified as an important state farmland soil and will be removed from producuon: IdA. <br /> Development of site will remove exmting forestland from production and result in loss of envn-onmental benefits from forest land <br /> cover. <br /> The information on soil limitation ratings in the following table indicates the dommant soil cond~tlon, but does not eliminate the <br /> need for onsite investigation. The numbers in the value column range from 0.01 to 1.00. The larger the value, the greater the <br /> potential lirmtation. Limiting features in this report are lirmted to the top 5 lrmitations. Additmnal hnmtations may exist. <br /> <br /> Dwellings <br /> Local Roads Shallow Dwellings with Lawns and without <br /> and Streets Excavations Basements Landscaping <br /> Soil Pct of Basements <br />Map <br />Symbol Nam Map Rating Class Rating Class and Rating Class and Rating Class and Rating Class and <br /> e Unit and Limiting Limiting Features Lnniting Features Limiting Features Laniting Features <br /> Features - <br /> - Value - Value - Value - Value <br /> Value <br /> Very limited Very lanited Very linuted <br /> Shrink-swell- 1 <br />IdA Iredel 80 Low strength - 1 Depth to saturated Very limited Somewhat limited Shrink-swell - 1 <br /> zone - 1 Depth to Depth to saturated Depth to <br /> 1 Depth to Too clayey - 0.5 saturated zone - 1 zone - 0.75 saturated zone - <br /> saturated zone - <br /> Cutbanks cave - 0.1 0.98 <br /> 0.75 <br /> <br />Please provide copies of approval notice and any revisions to this plan to the Cabarrus Soil and Water Conservation District. <br /> <br />CONTACT(S): <br />Cabarrus County Planning & Zoning Services, Rodger Lentz, 704-920-2147 <br />Cabarrus SWCD & Watershed Improvement Commission, Dennis Testerman, 704-920-3303 <br />NCDENR, Div. of Water Quality, Mooresville Reg. Office, Alan Johnson, 704-663-1699 <br />NCDENR, D~v. of Water Quality, Raleigh, Cyndi Karoly, 919-733-9721 <br />NCDENR, Hal Bryson, NCDEN-R, Ecosystem Enhancement Prog., Ralmgh Hal Bryson, 919-715-7452 <br />U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Regulatory Field Office, Steve Chapin, 828-271-7980 <br />USDA-NRCS, Matthew Kinane, 704-788-2107 <br /> <br />REFERENCES: <br />"Erosion and Sedimentatxon on Construction Sites." Soft Quality--Urban Technical Note No. 1. USDA, NRCS. <br /> [ d.pdf] <br /> <br />"Seeding Specificattons." Sect. 6.10 & 6.11 m Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. N.C. NRCD. <br /> <br />"Soil Samplmg for Home Lawns & Gardens." N.C. Dept. ofAgr/culture & Consumer Servmes. <br /> [] <br /> <br />"Topsmling Specfficat~ons." Sect. 6.04 in Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Desi_~n Manual. N.C. NRCD. <br /> <br />"Urban Soil r, ..... ~ .... ~ ...... F~,CS. <br /> [http ://www.statlab,iastate,edu/survey/SQI/pdlTuO2d.pdf] <br /> <br />"Protecting Urban Soil Quahty: Examples for Landscape Codes and Specifications." [] <br /> <br />Page 2 of 3 ~"~ "' ~ <br /> <br /> <br />