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-2- <br /> <br /> (b) This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by Customer, constitutes a valid and legally <br />binding obligation of Customer, enforceable in accordance with its terms, and no statute, regulation, rule, order, judgment or contract <br />binding on Customer prohibits Customer's execution or performance of this Agreement; and <br /> <br /> (c) Either Customer owns the U.S. Securities in the Account free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and <br />encumbrances (except those granted herein) or, if the U.S. Securities are owned beneficially by others, Customer has the right to <br />pledge such U.S. Securities to the extent necessary to secure Customer's obligations hereunder, free of any right of redemption or <br />prior claim by the beneficial owner. Custodian's security interest pursuant to Article V hereof shall be a first lien and security interest <br />subject to no setoffs, counterclaims or other liens prior to or on a parity with it in favor of any other party (other than specific liens <br />granted preferred status by statute), and Customer shall take any and all additional steps which Custodian requires to assure itself of <br />such priority and status, including notifying third parties or obtaining their consent to, Custodian's security interest. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE III <br /> CUSTODY AND RELATED SERVICES <br /> <br /> 1. Subject to the terms hereof, Customer hereby authorizes Custodian to hold any Securities received by it from time to <br />time for Customer's account. Custodian shall be entitled to utilize the Book-Entry System and Depositories to the extent possible in <br />connection with its performance hereunder. Securities and cash deposited by Custodian in the Book-Entry System or a Depository <br />will be held subject to the rules, terms and conditions of the Book-Entry System or such Depository. Custodian shall identify on its <br />books and records the U.S. Securities and cash belonging to Customer, whether held directly or indirectly through the Book-Entry <br />System or a Depository. U.S. Securities and cash of Customer deposited in the Book-Entry System or a Depository will be <br />represented in accounts which include only assets held by Custodian for its customers. <br /> <br /> 2. Custodian shall furnish Customer with a monthly summary of all transfers to or from the Accounts. Customer may <br />elect to receive statements electronically through the Internet to an email address specified by it for such purpose. By electing to use <br />the Internet for this purpose, Customer acknowledges that such transmissions are not encrypted and therefore are insecure. Customer <br />further acknowledges that there are other risks inherent in communicating through the Interact such as the possibility of virus <br />contamination and disruptions in service, and agrees that Custodian shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or expense suffered <br />or incurred by Customer or any person claiming by or through Customer as a result of the use of such methods. <br /> <br /> (a) <br />but not paid; <br /> <br /> (b) <br /> <br />With respect to all U.S. Securities held in the Account, Custodian shall, unless otherwise instructed to the contrary: <br /> <br />Receive all income and other payments and advise Customer as promptly as practicable of any such amounts due <br /> <br /> Present for payment and receive the amount paid upon all U.S. Securities which may mature and advise Customer <br />as promptly as practicable of any such amounts due but not paid; <br /> <br /> (c) Forward to Customer copies of all information or documents that it may receive from an issuer of U.S. Securities <br />which, in the opinion of Custodian, are intended for the beneficial owner of U.S. Securities; <br /> <br /> (d) Execute, as custodian, any certificates of ownership, affidavits, declarations or other certificates under any tax laws <br />now or hereafter in effect m connection with the collection of bond and note coupons; <br /> <br /> (e) Hold directly, or through the Book-Entry System or a Depository, all rights and similar U.S. Securities issued with <br />respect to any U.S. Securities credited to the Account hereunder; and <br /> <br />(f) Endorse for collection checks, drafts or other negotiable instruments. <br /> <br /> 4. (a) Custodian shall notify Customer of such rights or discretionary actions or of the date or dates by when such <br />rights must be exercised or such action must be taken provided that Custodian has received, from the issuer or the relevant <br />Depository, timely notice of such rights or discretionary corporate action or of the date or dates such rights must be exercised or such <br />action must be taken. Absent actual receipt of such notice, Custodian shall have no liability for failing to so notify Customer. <br /> <br />(b) Whenever U.S. Securities (including, but not limited to, warrants, options, tenders, options to tender or non-mandatory puts <br />or calls) confer optional rights on Customer or provide for discretionary action or alternative courses of action by Customer, Customer <br />shall be responsible for making any decisions relating thereto and for directing Custodian to act. In order for Custodian to act, it must <br />receive Customer's Written Instructions at Custodian's offices, addressed as Custodian may from time to time request, not later than <br />noon (Florida time) at least two (2) Business Days prior to the last scheduled date to act with respect to such U.S. Securities (or such <br /> <br /> <br />