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<br />Recommended priority projects providine: the most sie:nificant impact for <br />e:rowth and development of the ree:ion's economy: <br /> <br />~ Incorporate advanced manufacturing in all business sectors that can adopt it <br />~ Expand research and development by focusing on the motorsports and <br />optoelectronics industries <br />~ Improve the region's workforce preparedness through programs in literacy and <br />basic skills development <br />~ Develop a culture that promotes and encourages entrepreneurship <br />~ Promote the region's tourism assets through a well-funded cooperative effort <br />~ Enhance the distribution network for the region by investigating the feasibility <br />of an intermodal site at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport <br />~ Develop a regional grants team <br /> <br />Tare:et industry recommendations for areas of hie:h e:rowth nationally and <br />compatible with ree:ion's strene:ths: <br /> <br />~ Defense and Security <br />~ Automotive <br />.~ Software Development <br />~ Bioinformatics <br />~ Optoelectronics <br />~ Fuel Cells <br /> <br />Grant applications were developed by the UNC Charlotte Research <br />Institute, which addressed a regional priority area: <br /> <br />~ N.C. MotorsportsTesting and Research Complex - $3,920,000 (EDA) is <br />requested to purchase testing instrumentation, and will be leveraged by a State <br />grant of $4,000,000, approved by the N.C. General Assembly and the Governor. <br />~ Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications - $1,270,241 <br />(EDA) is requested to partially fund the completion of 11,948 sq. ft. of cleanroom <br />and laboratory space, furnishings, and hardware for the Research Institute, R&D <br />facilities. Matching funds of $1,270,241 will be provided by UNC's recovery of <br />facilities and administrative costs on research and grants. <br /> <br />In addition, the report recommends pursuing feasibility studies for: <br />~ A new Center for Advanced Manufacturing-$185,000 (EDA) <br />~ Intermodal Site at Charlotte Douglas International Airport $350,000 <br /> <br />Next Steps: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The plan will be presented to the counties and the City of <br />Charlotte. <br />Mter a majority of these endorse the strategy, the COG will <br />form a501 c(3) and submit an application for designation as <br />an Economic Development District to EDA . <br />The COG will look for partners to implement the activities <br />recommended in the RCEDS and apply to EDA for grant <br />funding. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />G..~ <br />