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<br />APPUCATION FINDINGS <br />(1). The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following general requirements on the use requested by the <br />applicant: . <br /> <br />a. said use is not detrimental to the public health or general welfare. The proposed use is not <br />detrimental to the public health or general welfare. Said development is in line with the current <br />permitted uses allowed in the RM-2 zoning district. <br /> <br />b.o Said use is appropri~ielý located with respect to transportation facilities, water supply, fire <br />and police protection, waste disposal and similar services; and The proposed use is <br />appropriately located with respect to transportation facilities, water supply, fire and police <br />protection. NCDOT suggests the developer may be required to provide evidence of adeqllate sight <br />distance from the entrance and along Roberta Road. <br /> <br />In addition, water and sewer concerns with access and maintenance of the proposed sewer system. <br />can be dealt with during technical review. <br /> <br />c. .. Said use will not violate the neighborhood cha:rå.cter nor adversely affect surrounding land <br />use. This development is comparable to the SUlTounding land uses and densities permitted in RM- <br />2, R V and CoUnty Zoriing RE. <br /> <br /> <br />r;;"¡cfr"",,~,...,.1 . 661:JrxionSt=tSouih, P.o.Bax308. Coocod,NacthCa:roJiƓ2ßJ26 <br />(7O4J 92}.Sl52 . Fax:(7O4J 786-1212 . IDD l-aD-735-B262. www~ <br /> <br /> <br />Last Edit to report: <br />1 O/14/?()()4 1'()() PM <br /> <br />F-Io <br />