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<br />11/29/2004 <br /> <br />15:52 <br /> <br />INS ADU COMM ~ 17049202881 <br /> <br />nu.",,"""" <br /> <br />l'ENNSYL V ANlA NATIONAL MUTUAL CASUALTY INSURANCE COM!' ANY <br />Harris burg~. Pennsylvania <br /> <br />POWER OF ATTORNEY <br /> <br />Kncn< All Me. By lb... Pre." IS. '!bat PENNSYL V ANlA NA 11 ON AL MUTUAL CASUAL IT INSURANCE COMPANY. e <br />çorporation of me Commonwealth ofPemtsylvania, does hereby make, constitUte and appoint <br />SUE 1(, oAKLEY. PEGGY C. CORE, JULIA B. OWEN, PATSY L. SCOTI AND DIANE R. A V A1-Tt, ALL OF PREENSBOR. , <br />NORTH CAROLINA (EACH) <br />its trUe md lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact to makc, execute, seal and deliver for and OD its behalf as surety as its act and deed: <br />ÄNY AND ALL BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS PROVIDED THE AMOUNT OF NO ONE BOND OR UNDERTAKING <br />EXCEEDS 'IRE SUM Of 11ߌE MILLION DOLLARS ($3.000,000.00)------------ <br />ALL pOWEll AND A 11111 ORITY HEREBY C ONFERIlED SHALL HElŒB Y EXl'IRE AND TERMIN A"IE WITHOUT NO 11 E <br />AT MIDNIGHT OF THE 30TH DAY OF JUNE 2009, AS RESPECTS EXECUTION SUBSEQUENT 1HEltETO. <br />And the execurion of such bonds in pursuance of cbese presentS shall be as binding upon said Company as fuUy and amply, to aU <br />intentS and purposes, as if they bad been duly executed and acknowledged by thc tCgularly elcct~doCñcers of the Company at its <br />office in Harrisburg Pennsylvania, in their own proper persons. <br /> <br />This appoincnl:'D"t is made by and under the authorization ofa resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company on <br />October 24, 1973 at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which resolution is shown on the reverse side hereof and is noW in full forcc and ef 01- <br />In Wit!1ess Whereof: PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL MonJAL CASUALTY INSURANCE COMP ~ has caused these <br />presentS to be signed and itS corporate seal to be aiMed on SEPTEMBER 15, 2004 <br />PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL MUTUAL CASUALTY INSURANCE CaMP' n:- <br /> <br />;~ <br />"~'-~" .'n <br />/,S(' . ..~ <br />.' \. <br />ii,l H.t H <br />~';.\¡;. ~l <br />...~ ~~:~",:/ <br />~,,~)/ <br /> <br /> <br />Kenneth It. Shuns, Execuùve Vice-President, Secretary &. General Co <br /> <br />el <br /> <br />commonwealth of Pennsylvania., County of Dnuphin - 55: <br /> <br />On SEPTEMBER. 15, 2004, before me I\ppeared Kenneth R. ShuttS to me persona.Uy known, who being by me duly sworn. dìd sa <br />that be resides in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that he is ExecUtive Vice-President.. SecretarY & General Counsel of <br />pENNSYLVANIA NATIONAl. MOTU AI- CASUAl. TY INSURANCE COMPANY, That he is the individual descn'bed in and w <br />executed the preceding ÏJ1StrWnC'l1t, and that the seal affixed on said inStrUment is the cotpor:ate seal of said Company, and that said <br />instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said Company by authoritY and direction of said Company, ø.nd the said office <br />acknowledged said instrUment to be me free act and deed of said Company. <br /> <br /> <br />~..,.~ Q.. <br /> <br />NoWjl Public <br />Nowiill Seal <br />Jacqueline A. Ellis. 1'10111)' Public <br />City OfHllrisbWl, eagpbjn CølDd)' <br />My Cømmissiaø Expires Dec. 19. ZOOS <br /> <br /> <br />Commonwealth of pennsylvania, County ofùauphin - ss: <br /> <br />Mm"Þcr. PecJIS)'IvWa AssOcialiaD otNomries <br />I. Micbae¡ F, (jrcct. Vi,e l't<sidcnt, SutCIY " Fidelity of !he PENNSY!. VANIA NATIONAL ¡,WTU.<L CASU AI. TY INS uv.N <br />COMPANY, a corporation of the Commonwealth ofPennsy\vama, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a trUe 8,¡Jd corr <br />copy of a power of Attorney, executed by the said Company, which is still in fun fotce and effect. <br /> <br />\a Wime.. Whereat 1 have boreuntO sot my baIId and affu<od the ""PO" ~ ~ c~ony \ \ \ ¡q 10\ <br />^ Vi" ,~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE. This corder mU~1 ~c R(D 11\ color. If ;1 i:s n ReO, (Mis i3 not ¡¡ certmed copy <br />18-190 (Rev 05102) ~... <br /> <br />lepllone US iI! ArØ)a eode "'.255-6870. ~ <br />