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22 TABLE VII. COUNTY ATTORNEY <br /> <br />County <br /> <br /> Full-Time : <br />Comments Salary Retainer <br /> <br />Amount as <br />Compared <br />with Past <br /> <br />Reason <br />if Higher <br /> <br />Services <br />Covered by <br />Retainer <br /> <br />Departments Served by <br />County Attorney <br /> <br />Rowan <br />Rutherford <br />Sampson <br />Scotland <br />Stan[y <br /> <br />Stokes <br /> <br />Suny <br />Swain <br />Transylvania <br />Tyrrelt <br /> <br />Union <br /> <br />Vance <br />Wake <br /> <br />Warren <br />Washing[on <br /> <br />Watauga <br />Wayne <br />Wilkes <br />Wilson <br />Yadkin <br />Yancey <br /> <br />staff <br />no data <br /> <br />assistant <br />asst.--6 positions <br /> <br />$ 14,856 <br /> 8,000 <br /> 8,400 <br /> 3,125 <br /> 6,000 <br /> <br /> 7,000 <br />58,140 <br /> 4,800 <br /> <br />6,000 <br />2,200 <br /> <br />10,400 <br />77,000 <br />8,900 <br />145,000 <br />69,703 <br />4,800 <br /> <br />50,934 <br />26,400 <br /> <br /> 3,712 <br /> 5,500 <br /> <br />$ 67,723 <br /> 33,289 <br /> 24,057 <br /> 42,827 <br /> 30,000 <br /> <br />13,000 <br /> <br />21,980 <br />14,232 <br />11,340 <br />no data <br /> <br />19,000 <br /> <br />6,400 <br /> <br />26,4g0 <br />11,582 <br /> <br />21,635 <br />40,000 <br />117,800 <br />42,497 <br />35,975 <br />13,860 <br /> <br />higher <br />normal <br />higher <br />normal <br />normal <br /> <br />normal <br /> <br />normal <br />normal <br />higher <br /> lower <br /> <br />noma[ <br /> <br />norm[ <br />nonna[ <br /> <br />nor[ua[ <br />norma[ <br /> <br />normal <br />norm[ <br />normal <br />normal <br />noma[ <br />normal <br /> <br />1,4,5 <br /> <br /> 1,6 <br /> <br /> 1 <br /> <br />acdef <br />ace <br />acdef <br />a <br />a <br /> <br />bc <br /> <br />acdef <br /> <br />acde <br />bcdef <br /> <br />bcef <br /> <br />acdef <br /> <br />ace <br /> <br />abcdef <br />acdef <br />acdef <br />acdef <br />ac <br />acdef <br /> <br />N <br />ABCDEFJOKLMPTUVWX <br />ABCDEFGHIOKMP(IRSTUVWX <br />ABCDEFGHIKLMPUVWX <br />ABCDEFGIOLMPQSTUVW <br /> <br />ABCDEFGHIKLMNPOSTUWX <br /> <br />ABCDEFGHIKLMPOTUVWX <br />ABCDEFGHIKLMPTUX <br />ABCDF6IOKLMPTWX <br />ABCDEFHIKLNQSTUVW <br /> <br />ABCDEFGIOKLMNPQSTUWX <br /> <br />ABCDEFILMPTUVWX <br />ABCDFGHOKLMOPX <br /> <br />N <br /> <br />ABCDEFIKLMUWX <br />ABCDEFGHILMOPVWX <br />ABCDEFGHIKLMPRUWX <br />ABCDEFGI3LMPSWX <br />ABN <br />ABCDEFHIKLMNQTUVX <br /> <br />Codes for Reason if Higher <br /> <br />1. unusual Utigation or complex business transactions <br />2. substantial increase in salary or retainer <br />3. revaluation year <br />4. unusual number of tax foreclosures <br />5. additional sep~ices requested by board of comn~sioners <br />6. payments to more than one attorney <br />7. property purchases <br />8. no reason given <br />9. more department of social sendces work <br /> <br />Codes for SepAces Covered by Retainer <br />a. attendance at alt regular and spedal meetings of the board of commissioners <br />b. attendance at commissioners' meetings only on request <br />c. available for routine consultation with board of commissioners and county <br /> department heads <br />d. drafting ordinances and resolutions for commissioners <br />e. preparation of routine legal documents (deeds, simple contracts, etc.) <br />f. preparation of legal advertisements <br /> <br />Codes ~or Departments Served <br />A. board of commissioners <br />B. general administration <br />C. tax supe~sor <br />O. tax collector <br />E. sheriff <br />F. register of deeds <br />G. public health <br />H. social sen'ices <br />I. board of elections <br />3. public library <br />K. recreation <br />L planning <br />M. inspections <br />N. att deparments <br />O. mental health <br />P. emergency medical sen, ices <br />O. public works <br />R. airport authodty <br />S. water system <br />T. economic development <br />U. veterans' services <br />V. agricultural extension <br />W. animal control <br />X. landfill <br /> <br /> <br />