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No',ember 2001 Land Records Bulletin No. 29 <br /> <br /> Comparing Copies for Certification <br /> <br /> The fee for compam~g and cemfy, mga copy of <br />mi.,,, mstrm,leut tiled for reg~straUon will tucrease from <br />$2 O0 to S5 00 <br /> <br /> Uncertg~ed Copies of Instruments <br /> <br /> The amended law leaves wltlan file dlscreraou of <br />the register of deeds whether a fee should be charged <br />for tmcerttfied copies of tnstrmnents and how oluch <br />tha£ fee should be The amended taw does clarify,' <br />however, timt any fees charged for ancemfied copies <br />must be protmnently d~splayed tn die office of the <br />register of deeds GS 161-10(a)(ll) previously <br />provided that these fees were to be "prommeotly <br />posted ltl Ins office" The clarfficatton was probably <br />provided e~ther to make file language of the statute <br />more gender neutral, or to make It clear timt fees had to <br />be posted itl the register of deeds office, generally. <br />rather flmrt in the file reglster's own private workspace. <br />or both Also, tile revised provlsmn reiterates that the <br />register of deeds inay change these fees wahm his or <br />her thscreUon, but adds that the fees tnust be utuforln <br /> <br /> Qualification of Notary Pubhc <br /> <br /> Tile fee for adnumstenng the oath of office to a <br />notary pobhc and lnakang the related record entries <br />wdl increase from $5 00 to $10 00 <br /> <br /> Nonstandard Instruments <br /> <br /> Chapter 390 adds a new provmton, GS 161- <br />t0(a)(19), wluch estabhshes a fee of $25 00 for file <br />registration or filing of any document that falls to meet <br />file recording standards adopted m G S 161-14Co) <br />The new recording standards are thscussed on pages 3 <br />mid 4 <br /> <br /> Blank or Master Forms of Mortgages <br /> <br /> Chapter 390 ,'unends G S 47-21 and increases the <br />fee charged for filing, recording, and mdexmg a blank <br />or master forln of mortgage, deed of trust, or other <br />hen-creatulg document The current fee is $5 00 per <br />document The amendment makes the fee the same for <br />recording instruments m general--S12 00 for the first <br />page and $3 00 for each page or pamal page thereafter <br /> <br /> 6 / o:l. <br /> Automation Enhancement and <br /> Preservation Fund <br /> <br /> lu ad~tton to rinsing ~om fees to more <br />appropriate levels for sustaining operaUons m the <br />regtsmrs of deeds offices, CMpter 390 also a~s a uew <br />section wiuch creates ~ Automanon Eflmcement <br />and Pmse~atton Fm~d" The dew G S 161-[1 3 <br />prowdes that 10% of the fees collected pursuant to <br />G S 161-10, ~d returned by the count, must be set <br />asxde each year ~d deposited mto ~s no~eveffmg <br />hnd to tin,ce expanth~es on computer ~d una~g <br />teclmolo~ fur ~e reg~er of deeds office <br /> ~te F~scal Research D~wsmn prepped a <br />teg~slauve fiscal note to assess the tm~ct of the <br />ch~ges proposed by H I073 Wlule ~t was not <br />possible to accurately esUmate ~e amom~t flint would <br />be dedicated to the ~d fl~ough the 10% set astde, ~e <br />F~scal Research D~wston est~ated that ~e stamw~de <br />mcre~e m revenues from the fee increases atone <br />would be appm~tely $13 5 ~lhon per year <br /> Impo~fly, ~e new provtsmn Sso notes that the <br />existence of this ~d ~d new momes for automaton <br />expeodatees ts not mtanded to d~msh ~e obhganon <br />of the bo~d of county colmmsstoners to ~nush <br />supphes ~d eqmpment to ~e regx~er of deeds office <br /> <br />Real property records <br /> <br />Recording Standards <br /> <br /> Chapter 390 (I-t 1073) also makes significant <br />changes to G S 161-14, wluch deals with the <br />mglstratmn of instruments These changes apply to <br />mstrmneots executed on or after July l, 2002 Again, <br />the deterrnmanve date for the recording standards <br />amendments Is not the date tlmt the document ts <br />presented for recording, but the date that the document <br />~s executed Tius wtil require registers and their staffs <br />to pa> careful attention to the date that an msu-ument <br />was fully executed,2 or tf the instrument aself does not <br /> <br /> refer to a document being 'tully executed" because <br />s~mattous otlen an.~ ',',hem documents require muluple <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />